[CaPh] General Headcanons- Set

2 years, 4 months ago

Even more of them!

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  1. How do they celebrate their birthday?
    1. He usually just does whatever he feels like, but at least tries to make sure it is enjoyable. There’s usually at least one play on this day! He also used to do missions but… You know how that went last time.
  2. Who is the most important person in their life?
    1. He probably couldn’t choose just one person. He’d be torn between all of his crushes and also Cinder.
  3. What do they wear when they're just at home hanging out?
    1. Usually either his pajamas or just simple clothing. Not quite as fancy as he dresses outside, either way.
  4. What is their house like?
    1. His apartment is nicely decorated with off-white walls and has this comfortable quaintness to it. How Elliott’s room looks is up to Aiden, lol.
  5. Any pets?
    1. He stole an ice bird egg once because he could. That’ll probably become a pet once Familiars are a thing!
  6. What will always make them smile?
    1. Anything even remotely worth smiling about! It’s not that hard to get him to smile.
  7. What will always make them cry?
    1. Same thing as above, but with sad things.
  8. What's their favorite movie?
    1. Topsy-Turvy (1999) would be his favorite, I think! It’s theatre related, so of course he’d like it.
  9. Favorite book?
    1. Literally any play script…
  10. Do they get along with their parents?
    1. Bro. Look me in the eyes and say that Set doesn’t love his mother more than the world. He loves her so much…
  11. What different universe do you think they'd fare well in or like?
    1. I don’t know what universe he’d fare well in, but he likes a lot of the different universes he’s been to! He finds them all so interesting.
  12. Favorite holidays?
    1. Valentine’s Day! Also ALL OF THEM.
  13. Tattoos?
    1. Nope.
  14. What was their first kiss like?
    1. I think that Elliott kissing him that one time under the mistletoe while drunk on eggnog was his first, LOL… It was nice to Set but also Elliott didn’t remember it happening At All, rip.
  15. Have they ever lost somebody they loved?
    1. He’s probably lost connection with a lot of crushes and friends he held dear.
  16. They find a genie and are granted three wishes, what do they wish for, and why?
    1. He’d probably wish for mostly simple things. Maybe some cool new masks, or for an interesting idea for a play… And also perhaps to wish the genie free, if he thought they were nice enough.
  17. They're stranded on an island and can only have 4 items and one companion, who and what do they bring?
    1. As a companion, probably his mother or one of his crushes. As for items… Lots of paper, a pencil, and two different kinds of food rations.
  18. What's a quote you associate them with?
    1. “One of my chief regrets during my recent years in the theater is that I couldn't sit in the audience and watch me.” -John Barrymore
  19. Any romantic interests?
    1. Um, there’s like three or four right now. Elliott, Noah, that one Kobold, and there will be another one soon.
  20. What kind of accent do they have?
    1. Uh, whatever the normal accent in Mirstone is. 
  21. What is their most prized possession?
    1. His mask! His mother made it and he loves it.
  22. Have they ever stolen anything?
    1. Only looting from bad guys. Otherwise, he’s a good man.