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5 years, 6 months ago

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A version for the community's rp server, has separate personality to the other versions of this character


Name: Keränen

Age: mid-late twenties

Birthdate: May 26

Gender: n/a [any pronouns accepted]

Height: 160cm

Weight: 55kg

Skin: fair to pale

Hair: blonde, short and fluffy

Eyes: grey blue

Clothing/Accessories: - collared shirt, vest, tie and long pants/jeans - will go undercover in various costumes - on the rare terrorising occasion, a gas mask and goggles to protect identity while using flux

Ripple colour: yellow

Flux type/abilities: R-type dominance that manifests with wispy looking ripples. Can create explosions that interfere with the field of awareness. The smoke released can be used to induce hallucinations and illusions.

Personality: ISTJ, slytherin. Keränen, while generally reserved if not a tad mischievous, has a certain passion for weapons and explosions that emerges when they use flux. This can cause them to become violent to even allies if they get carried away. Protective of their close group of flux users while keeping acquaintances at an aloof distance. Has a cover personality that is flirtatious and welcoming.

Strengths: – open-mindedness/critical thinking making controlled emotions

- loyal and protective of those close, willing to do a lot to keep them safe

- androgynous looking, able to switch to appearing masculine or feminine very easily Weaknesses:– callous under a faux-cheery exterior unless close

- unwilling to get too physical or ripple a lot, fear of hurting innocents

- highly suspicious of strangers, to the point of ignoring their trustworthiness in some cases

Occupation: Bartender, underground information broker

Backstory: Owns a bar in the fourth district that they use as both an income and a way to gather intelligence. Lives on the second floor with extra rooms available. No close family, gathers a family of choice.