
2 years, 4 months ago
2 years, 4 months ago
1 173

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 4 months ago

About the best Bean Includes ideas and initial brain dumps

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Initial Brain Dump


Amadeus Beloved
Or Ami / Deus for short
He / They kinda fella

Name things
Amadeus -Means lover of god or loved by god [I just like the love tie]
Beloved -Because he is my Beloved <3
Ami -[Am-e or sometimes A-me] Only really lets his close friends use it, pronouncing it as 'Amy' does make him feel slightly disphoric
Deus -He thinks it sounds cool, a few people think he's called Deus rather then Amadeus

Enderman / Moobloom Hybrid
His flowers bloom larger when he's really happy, when really sad or scared they fall off
Kinda tall, though not as much as a normal enderman
'Blush' is permanent and glows in the dark
Blood is a bright yellow, and so is his real blush
Ears are more cow shaped, though there is defiantly Enderman traits to it.
Gay Gay Homosexual Gay
Slightly fluffy / furred?

Favourite flower is the Leak Lily
Happy 'claps' [He claps using the base of the palms of his hands]
Holds tail when scared or overwhelmed
Hooves make a happy clopping sound ^^
Makes bird noises when he's feeling bored or comfortable in himself