Silver’s Story (Hero’s Journey)

2 years, 3 months ago

Mild Violence

A fantasy story of how a poor, oppresed girl became a powerful mercenary, and married a prince.

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Story/Hero’s Journey:

0: Status Quo: Silver grew up poor, like most of the citizens in her nation. She lived in a society ruled by fear, a mercenary organization called The Trove. She hated them. Like most of the citizens of her nation, her family was broken. She didn’t even know her dad.

1: Call to Adventure: Her twin brother was taken by The Trove when he was 11 to train to be a mercenary, and he resisted. Their mom convinced him to go, knowing he would live a life of financial security if he went, and otherwise he may not live to tell the tale if he defied them. He left reluctantly, and their mom fell into depression. She stopped caring for herself, and died. Silver was on her own, with nobody to support her.

2: Assistance: She decided to try to join The Trove, to see if she could find her brother, even though she resented them and what they stood for. She meets an older mercenary, Elena, that dislikes The Trove too, and wishes to overthrow their oppressive system. Silver confesses to her why she wants to join The Trove, and Elena assures her that she is doing the right thing.

3: Entering the Special World: She gets accepted into The Trove and begins training at a very low rank. She cannot find her brother, but keeps looking. 

4: Road of Trials: The training is extremely hard, but Elena helps her. She rises rank quickly. Elena helps her believe that she can use her skills she learns at The Trove to secretly help the poor citizens. They mostly focus on learning languages. By this time, she is a teenager.

5: Approach of Ordeal: Silver struggles with wondering if she will ever get her brother back. In their training, they are forced to beat up some actual, living people, which are failed Trove members. Some were killed in practice. She questions herself, if it is worth doing those sorts of things to find her brother. By this time, she is in her late teens.

6: Ordeal: During one of the training sessions, they bring in her brother as one of the people to practice fighting with. He is all beaten up. Horrified, she gets Elena to ask her for help. Elena gathers together a group of mercenaries from The Trove and citizens and starts a revolt. They call themselves The Protectors. They fight off the guards and sneak out with Silver’s brother and Elena’s friends.

7: Reward: Silver is finally reunited with her brother, and away from The Trove. The Protectors start a large organization against The Trove, and set up their own government called the United Federation.

8: Result: They have created a new world, protected from the malicious Trove. Silver retains her skills and uses them to fight off The Trove instead of fighting for them.

9. Return to Normal Life: While she does help The Protectors in important battles against The Trove, she also helps with running the new United Federation government. 

10: New Life: As The Protectors and the United Federation gain more people fleeing from The Trove, they become more powerful and are able to fight back more. Silver becomes a diplomat, and convinces a neighboring nation’s crown prince to help them fight.

11: Resolution: The Protectors and their allies overthrow The Trove, and the people rejoice. Silver marries the other nation’s crown prince, and becomes their head diplomat.

12: Status Quo: Like most people in the new era of their nation, Silver is happy.