
2 years, 4 months ago

In the Father Winter AU, in which Sorus finally breaks off his relationship with Machina.

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Sickles of ice sprouted out the ground like a giant’s ribs, and the ground was covered in a sickly frost, killing the surrounding plant life. In the middle sat a figure made of the same frost, icy shoulders shaking. He clutched a broken, bloody, dead body against his chest, his arms stained red against blue. The surrounding forest was silent, save for his quiet sobs.

“You’ve been holding that play toy for hours.” A bored voice sighed sweetly, and he shudder as he felt hands brush against his shoulders. “Why don’t you just go and throw it away like the rest of them? She doesn’t matter. None of those silly little mortals matter.”

“….Go away.”

She blinked in surprise, confusion rippling her expression at his bitter, sniffling words. “..Excuse me?”

“Go away-!” He whipped around, his tears frozen on his cheeks as his broken, betrayed eyes stared her in the face. “I don’t *want* this anymore!! I don’t WANT to hurt people anymore!”

She scoffed in disbelief, crossing her arms. “Is this because of *her?*”

“It’s because of *EVERYTHING!*” He exclaimed, desperate and exasperated. “You always say you love me, and then you- you do such awful things!! You made *me* do awful things!”

“But you enjoyed them, snowflake~” She purred, sliding around and touching his cheek. “We were so good together…we were *powerful*. We could even show your brother, Achradel, who’s boss.”

He tried to pull away, but she pried the body from his cold hands, casting it on the ground. “She’s dead. That’s all- and that’s it. And it wasn’t your fault, it was just those silly mortals! That’s all she is, a silly mortal.” He didn’t look in her eyes- he just kept staring at body.

“Oh won’t you look at me??” She huffed, taking his face. “We’re *good* for each other, snowflake. You can’t leave me.”

He flinched, staring up at her, nearly slipping into a weak agreement, holding onto her arms. “How…?” He whispered, suppressing a sob. “How are we good for each other?”

“Because I love you and you love me- and together we’re more powerful than anyone else..” She murmured, giving him a kiss he did not return, and only more tears ran down his face. “Oh come now, why are you being so uncooperative??”

“This isn’t good-“ He sobbed, collapsing to his hands and knees. “This isn’t good— I don’t want it anymore-“

“What are you *talking* about?” She demanded, grabbing his chin tightly, forcing him to look up at her. “I showed you your *true* power, I showed you what you could really do if you tried!”

“You turned me into a MONSTER!!” He suddenly yelled, making her stumble backwards with the gust of freezing wind that came from him. He curled back up, shivering with his own sobs. She stood there in shock for a moment, before her eyes narrowed harshly.

“…Are you saying you don’t want to be together anymore?”

He only nodded miserably, hiccuping and shaking. This however only made her expression twist up in rage even more.

“You little *BRAT!!*” She screeched, pulling him up by his hair. He yelped, trying to get her to stop, but she slapped him across the face. “THIS is what I get for *helping* you?! For **loving** you?!” She shrieked as she threw him back to the ground, his sobs drowned out by her fury. “No one will *EVER* love you like I have!! You’re a PATHETIC excuse for a Daizan, I made you POWERFUL and you want to throw me away?!”

He tried to crawl away, but he yelped in pain as she jabbed her foot into his leg, pinning him down. “You can’t just expect to *dump* me, you little fool.” She hissed, and he stared up at her, his eyes wide. “I’m going to **rip** you limb from limb, and let you heal, and then rip you apart all **over** again.” She growled, reaching down for his throat. “You’ll love me if it’s the last thing you *ever* do-“

He tried to struggle away, starting to whimper. He couldn’t bring himself to hurt her, even as she grasped and choked his throat. Before he was strangled however, a blinding light obscured his vision.


She was thrown off of him, screaming and scrambling away from the light that burned her, disappearing into the trees.

“Sorus…?” The glowing figure landed on the ground, gently kneeling before the wounded, shaking figure. He flinched a little, hesitantly looking up.

“M-mothe— mother-?” He croaked hoarsely, tears starting to run down his face. He couldn’t help but melt as the familiar warm hands scooped him up and cradled him against her chest. “I’m sorry-“ He whispered, starting to choke on the tears that streamed down his face, but her thumb wiped his cheeks gently. “I’m sorry I never should have left I shouldn’t have gone with her I should have gone back I should have at least *visited* you-“ He whimpered, starting to sob anew.

“Shh…” Her gentle hands soothed his aching, shivering body, cleansing him of the dirtiness and darkness left by Machina’s touch. “It’s alright- I forgive you…you need time to heal. Stay with me, I’ll make sure she doesn’t harm you like that again.” Sorus nodded weakly, his shaky cries quieting as he was nestled against her soft wings. Machina could only watch jealously as he was swept away with her, taken away to heal and stay safe with his mother…