SVA Mini Scenarios

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
2 1978

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

I've been wanting to do some mini scenarios with mine and my friends' characters, so here we are!

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Author's Notes

Mini Scenario: Charlie frequently has dreams or nightmares about Demi.

A Friend in Death

Charlie’s body twitched slightly while he slept. He was having another nightmare. Not that it was surprising, given the trauma he had just gone through. A soft groan escaped his mouth.

He was back in the house again, blood staining his hands as he held them tightly to his wound. Charlie closed his eyes and took a few breaths, trying to ease the pain. A few faint screams could be heard as he tried his best to stay conscious. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times. His vision was hazy, but he could make out a dark, shadowy figure with outstretched wings and piercing amber eyes. The figure moved towards Charlie, not walking, but slowly gliding across the floor.

His breathing grew faster and he tried to scoot himself backwards, but to no avail as his back was already against the wall. He let out a few whimpers and grasped his side. Charlie could feel himself losing consciousness as the figure approached, its arm outstretched.

Charlie’s eyes snapped open and he jumped, gasping. He turned to his left to see Demi still there, now groaning as he had woken her up. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Are you okay?” she asked, a look of concern on her face.

He ran a hand through his hair in silence, looking straight ahead. The nightmares had been plaguing him for the past few days now. “Yeah,” Charlie replied, “Sorry I woke you up.”

Demi eyed him curiously. “...Are you sure you’re okay?”

He was silent for a moment again, not knowing how to word his thoughts. “I’ve been having nightmares… I guess… after what you told Lindsey and I–”

“You’re scared of me,” Demi abruptly interrupted. Her face looked emotionally absent, but inside she felt pain.

Charlie went to reply but nothing came out. He muttered under his breath.

“Eh?” She moved her face closer to him, curious as to what he said.

“Nothing, I…” He shook his head. “I saw something… when you… killed that guy…”

“What did you see?” Demi asked, her voice slightly monotone.

Looking down, Charlie fiddled with his IV. Demi smacked his hand.

“Stop doing that and tell me what you saw.”

Charlie was a bit shocked when Demi smacked his hand, but then sighed in defeat. “I saw you, but it wasn’t… you. You were surrounded by shadows and had wings… And when you looked at me, all I saw were your eyes glowing…”

Demi raised an eyebrow. “That’s…really weird, Charlie…”

He looked over at her. “Is that not what I’m supposed to see as I’m dying?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t see shit when I died, so…”

“Language,” Charlie reprimanded.

Demi laughed. “Sorry, sorry. Anyway, I have no idea. But maybe that’s what you get for almost dying on me.” She pursed her lips jokingly.

He side-eyed Demi, a slightly unamused look on his face. “I didn’t choose to do that.”

A smirk formed on her face. “Yeah, okay.” She reached over and patted Charlie’s head, even though she knew he hated when people touched his hair. “But look, I would never hurt you, okay? You’re one of my closest friends and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.”

Charlie smiled. “Good to know.”

Demi smiled back at him before looking at the clock on the wall. 3:36 A.M. “I think you should try to get some more sleep. It’ll help with your healing.” She playfully patted his hand.

Without warning, Charlie took Demi’s hand and held it. This action stunned her for a moment, but she then smiled, leaning forward in her chair just enough so that she could lay her head on the hospital bed next to him. He laid his head on top of hers, both of them sitting in silence for a bit.

“Hey Demi?” Charlie broke the silence.


“Thank you for being my friend, I really appreciate you… And I think you’re really cool.”

Demi could feel herself tearing up a bit but did her best to hold it in. “You’re welcome…”

Scattered bits of moonlight poured into the room from the window as they both began to doze off again.