Thornstalker's Betrayal: Jane's P.O.V

2 years, 3 months ago

Mild Violence

Jane was born a loner, traveling on her own and using the herbal knowledge from her mother. She never wanted to join the clans, but now she finds herself as leader of ThunderClan after the deputy killed his father, the leader, in hopes of gaining that rank. This is the story of how Jane became the leader of ThunderClan despite not believing in StarClan, lacking a warrior name, and being mates with a medicine cat in a different clan.

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Leafbare had come and passed, much to Jane's annoyance. The smell of thaw in the air with the warm breeze made her thick pelt bristle as she stepped out of her den. 

Oh well, she thought to herself, At least the warmer air will chase away the illnesses the cold season brings and finally grant me some peace. 

The clearing was filled with warriors and apprentices alike crowding around a huge brown tabby tomcat. Jane grunted as a few of the younger apprentices barged right into her. She held back the urge to snap at them for their carelessness and instead made her way through the crowd.

"Thornstalker!" she snapped once she was in front of the tabby, interrupting him mid-sentence. 

The deputy twitched his ear in annoyance, his yellow eyes glinting. Jane could care less what he thought. Deputy or not, he was still the same kit who constantly destroyed her herb stores and was never punished due to his parents relentlessly spoiling him rotten. He was the only kit of ThunderClan's leader, Reedstar, and his mate Sorrelflower. All his life he was given special treatment. Perhaps that was even how he became deputy at such a young age.

"How can I help you, Jane?" Thornstalker muttered through clenched teeth. Good, so Jane annoyed him as much as he annoyed her. This satisfied the she-cat.

"Ï need an apprentice to help me tend to my herb growths. I'd prefer to leave right away."

Thornstalker didn't like that she was ordering him around. He let out a sigh. "I'll find someone when I get the chance."

Jane rolled her eyes. "Have them come find me. It'll be the perfect opportunity for them to practice their tracking skills." She turned and stalked out of camp, her tail twitching in anger. Stupid spoiled tomcat. He obviously didn't understand the meaning of the words right away


It was well past sunhigh when Jane was tending to her last plant. Thornstalker never sent an apprentice to assist her, which made her even angrier and the job last much longer than necessary. She made sure to make a mental note to have a stern talking to with the deputy and his father. How inconsiderate could the snobby deputy be to the medicine cat? Young cats these days have no manners! 

She had just finished watering her final plant when a loud yowl split the air, causing nearby birds to call in panic and fly off. Jane's blood froze. That sounded like a cat in danger! She dropped everything she was doing in that moment and ran towards the sound.

It didn't take very long for the smell of blood and fear reached her. Anxiety bubbled in her belly, making her feel nauseous. Flashbacks threatened her vision, but she fought them off. Another yowl caused her pelt to bristle. She knew that voice, and it scared her even more. Thornstalker! Her paws sped up with her heart as she dashed as fast as she could until she skidded to a halt over a dip in the earth. Her eyes widened in horror upon what laid in front of her.

Standing over the limp body of ThunderClan's leader was Thornstalker, his muzzle and paws painted red with the blood pooling from the throat of Reedstar.

"ThunderClan is mine at last," Thornstalker muttered. "You put up a good fight, Father, but you were always weak."

 The leader's eyes were clouded and lifeless, and Jane started losing the battle with her mind. She had just enough time to hide behind some undergrowth when a flashback hit her, knocking the wind out of her. 

It was the start of the warm season. Snow had melted and gave way to fresh growths. Jane had been sent out by her mother to collect any herbs that were ready. Jane wouldn't be gone for long, she had seen some mature yarrow just the other day. She had only been gone long enough for the sun to have shifted just over the treetops when she returned to a horrifying sight.

Inside her den was a complete bloodbath. The scent of fox and her mothers' fear clung to the air like fog. Laying lifeless and in pieces was Jane's beloved, beautiful mother, her white fur torn and bloodied.

"MOTHER!" she screamed as loud as she could, tears clouding her vision. 

The flashback ended as quick as it began. Jane stood up, tears still in her eyes. She was filled to the brim with rage. Unsheathing her claws, she leapt at Thornstalker, catching him by surprise. The tom screeched in pain, instantly flinging Jane off of him. She landed with a grunt in the dirt, narrowly missing Reedstar's body. After giving herself a moment, she stood up to face ThunderClan's deputy.

She couldn't believe him. She could still remember the day Thornstalker was born. Reedstar and Sorrelflower had been overjoyed. So much so, Reedstar stepped down as leader for a full moon to spend all his time with his newborn son.

"How could you? After all he's done for you! He loved you so much!"

Thornstalker's ears flattened. "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You're just a rogue playing the part of a medicine cat. You aren't even loyal to your clan, considering you're mates with the RiverClan medicine cat."

"Leave Goldenpetal out of this! You just murdered your father and the leader of your clan!"

The tabby's yellow eyes glanced down at the body of his father. "He was weak. It was time for ThunderClan to gain a strong leader that could lead them to greatness."

"No. The only weak one here is you!"Jane was seeing red now. Without giving Thornstalker even a second to think, she leapt at him once more, pinning him on his back. 

She felt Thornstalker thrashing and fighting beneath her, but all her strength and knowledge of combat was fresh in her mind. I never forgot what you taught me, Mother. 

Now was the time to do ThunderClan justice. Letting muscle memory take over, she slashed at Thornstalker's muzzle, feeling satisfaction when he let out a yowl of pain. He tried snapping his jaws at her paw, but missed. She slashed at his throat, feeling blood welling out of the wound. To make sure it was deep enough to subdue the tom, she went over the slash once more, creating an shape. 

The deputy was panting now, fighting for his life. He coughed up blood, his strength ebbing.

"This is less than what you deserve," Jane spat. 

"This is nothing," Thornstalker wheezed. "It will be mended by StarClan when I get my lives."

"You still think you're going to be leader?"Jane laughed loudly. "Not if I can help it, you won't!" Thornstalker tried getting on his paws, but Jane easily knocked him right back down with a single paw. "We'll see what the clan thinks of your treason."

She bent down and grabbed the larger tabby by the scruff, making sure to bite down until she tasted blood. The white she-cat started dragging him back to camp, trying to hide how difficult this was on her. All the way, Thornstalker tried fighting, but his attempts grew weaker and weaker. 

As they entered camp, Jane threw him into the center of the clearing. Cats gasped in shock, and a single wail came from the nursery.

"Thornstalker! My baby!" It was Sorrelflower, and just by taking one look at her, Jane knew this wasn't going to be easy. Just from seeing her son in such a state, she looked ready to faint.

"Sorrelflower, I'm afraid there's been some horrible news. You're going to need to sit." Jane glanced around, catching the eye of another queen. "Daisyfall, sit with her. She'll need all the support she can get."

The other queen nodded, and she and Sorrelflower sat down next to Thornstalker, who managed to raise his head towards Jane, his yellow eyes filled with hate. 

Jane didn't care. She hated him just as much. Leaping onto the Highrock, she ran through the words Reedstar used so many times in her head and took in a big breath.

"Let all cats of ThunderClan gather around the Highrock! There's a traitor among us!"

By now, all cats were already gathered. However, several more who weren't aware of the situation came out upon hearing Jane's call. They all looked puzzled, glancing at Thornstalker with worried eyes.

"W-Where's Reedstar? You can't just accuse my son of being a traitor! You have no right!" Sorrelflower yowled. 

Jane gave Sorrelflower's words a few moments to sink in before raising her own voice. 

"Cats of ThunderClan! While I was out tending to my herbs, I witnessed something absolutely abhorrent! Thornstalker, deputy and son of our leader, killed Reedstar in cold blood with hopes of taking over the clan."

Sorrelflower's pained wail made Jane's heart split. The queen was now staring at her son in disbelief. 

"This can't be true. Please, Thornstalker, she's gone mad, right?"

Thornstalker's eyes were now showing regret as he gazed at his mother. He dipped his head, and Sorrelflower screamed in agony. Daisyfall pressed against her, leading her back to the nursery. 

Cats were now spitting at Thornstalker in rage. Jane decided there was no hope in calming them, and let them spew their hatred. 

"As medicine cat of ThunderClan, I hereby sentence Thornstalker to exile! May the wounds he bears kill him slowly and painfully. If he is even scented inside our territory after sunset today, all warriors have permission to kill him."

Cats screeched in agreement as Thornstalker struggled to his paws and fled out of camp, leaving a trail of blood in his wake. After he disappeared and the noise died down, one warrior stood and raised his voice. 

"Who will be our leader now?"

Jane dipped her head. "That will be decided after Reedstar's vigil. I'll lead a patrol out to fetch his body." She leapt down from the Highrock, calling cats to her.


Later that night, the clan gathered around their leader's body. Sorrelflower, who had been given poppy seeds and lavender for her shock, was curled around his head, sobbing quietly. As the sun rose and bathed the clearing in orange light, the clan assisted in burying the beloved leader. 

Once the deed was done, the clan partook in a vote, deciding on the next leader. To Jane's surprise, almost the whole clan voted on her. She accepted the role with honor, and her mate moved into the clan from RiverClan to be her medicine cat. Jane appointed a warrior named Crowflight to be her deputy.

Jane never wanted to join the clan. She had always wanted to live on her own. Now, she was the leader of ThunderClan and had her mate by her side. She hadn't been happier. StarClan wouldn't grant her nine lives, and frankly, Jane didn't want them. She didn't want any sort of change to the cat she was.

"I'm proud of you, Janestar," Goldenpetal joked as they laid cuddled in her den.

"Don't go on calling me that. I'm still Jane all the same." She purred and nuzzled her head under Goldenpetal's chin, listening to her calming heartbeat.

They drifted off to sleep that night, happy as ever. Jane couldn't wait to witness what the future moons would bring to her and her clan.