Majanthi Wanderer Prompt 5 - Challenges

2 years, 2 months ago

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A beast was spoken of by the crowds that surrounded Majanthi. They claimed it was as black as night, that if you heard it's blood-curdling screams, it was too late to escape. No esk was sure what this creature was, only that it could see them, unlike most creatures, and that scared them. The rumours had gotten to the point of esk begging Majanthi to chase the creature out so that the land may replenish and heal itself. Overwhelmed by the many requests, Majanthi agreed to make the long journey to the faraway coastal desert in order to settle the crowds. 

On her travels, she met many esk and creatures alike. They would often trail behind her like a herd of sheep, cheering her on, knowing she would succeed at taming the beast. Majanthi wasn't sure she could, and that scared her, but she couldn't let down the many beings that believed in her. 

The closer Majanthi got to this coastal region, the more spiritually pained she felt. It was almost as if she could feel the land deteriorating in her soul. When she got to the rumoured area, she realised just how bad it was. There wasn't an animal or esk in sight, and the earth looked as though it was dying. The plants in the region were mostly wilted. She couldn't let this go on. Then she heard it, high pitched screams in the distance. It felt like they were all around her, surrounding and disorienting her. But she stood her ground, searching for this fabled beast in the darkness. 

Majanthi could barely see anything, but she could feel something coming. Something big. She peered into the distance, finally spotting some red spots. 

'What the...' She thought to herself

'What is that?'

As she stumbled towards the red spots, the screams got louder and louder. Soon, Majanthi could make out a large black figure, and a few red petals. She prepared for a challenge, letting her incense travel around the figure in an attempt to keep it calm. She continued stepping towards it until she suddenly tripped and fell to the ground. She didn't even know that was possible. 

Majanthi turned to see what she had tripped on, although it was hard to make out. She realised what it was a little too late. It was the beasts head. It's eyelids shot open, revealing a large solid white iris that peered towards her. The creature began to stand, causing the ground to shake violently. Majanthi stepped back. 

It had a long scrawny body perched atop four long, spindly legs. At the end of each leg there was  3 sharp clawed toes. It had large flower petals on its flank and head. Majanthi couldn't believe it. 

'What are you doing in my boundary' The creature bellowed loudly.

Majanthi almost struggled to speak. 

'You're an esk'

The massive esk towered over Majanthi like a skyscraper. 'You think I don't already know that' It snarled. 

Majanthi could sense a different aura coming from this esk. It wasn't happy, or cheerful. It felt shattered and angry. Even though she was the legendary mother and healer of the dunes, Majanthi knew she would have to take a different approach with this esk. She'd worked with trespassers before, although not one as angered and broken as this one. 

'I am only here to help you.' Majanthi explained calmly. 

The wind picked up, whipping sand around into a mild sandstorm. 

'I don't need your help. Leave NOW.' The esk roared fiercely. 

The wind picked up further, washing away her calming incense. 

'You will not find piece if you continue down this path.. Please, let me heal your sorrows and wounds, and show you a better way.' 

The colossal creature hissed and let out a horrifying screech. This was going to be difficult. 

THINK, MAJANTHI THINK. Majanthi thought to herself. 

'Will you at least tell me your name, oh great and powerful esk.' Majanthi asked aloud, hoping to play into the esks ego. 

The other esk paused, as if thinking about Majanthi's request. It's bright white eyes lit up slightly. 

'Thera' It finally growled. She may have been getting somewhere. 

'Thera. I like that.' Majanthi smiled spiritually, slightly relieved. 'Where did you come from?' 

This question seemed to anger Thera. 

'Who wants to know' She snapped. Uh oh. 

Majanthi tried desperately to calm her again, but to no avail. Thera sprinted off into the distance, shouting how much she hated being an esk. 

I-I failed. Majanthi thought. I've never failed.

Distraught and angry at her own failure, Majanthi set off on her own for a while. Word spread quickly about how Majanthi was unable to tame the esk that terrorised the coastal region. The crowds loved her regardless, but all Majanthi could think about was her defeat. She slowly receded into her frustration, vowing she would never fail like that again.