A guided hunt

2 years, 3 months ago

Activity: Hunting Prey: Bear

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This wasn’t exactly the day that Apollo had pictured for a hunt. The sky’s light was dimmed from the clouds over head, thunder occasionally roared over head. Apollo pinned his ears looking behind him, in the brush, two other tokota’s trailed behind him.

One, an Akota by the name of King Titus. A tokota with a real stick up his butt.

And mother tailing behind Titus. He went by the name of Seyton. Apollo barley new Seyton, but Titus vouched for him. And with supplies running low, Apollo could use the extra paws and teeth aboard.

Ahead of them, tracks lay, Apollo had been watching for a while, a bear's den wasn’t to far ahead. This bear had been messing with the supplies as it was, they had lost a good amount of fish that would have kept the pack's bellies full as the winter was starting to thaw, but now they were living off of scraps and little remains. Bear meat wasn’t Apollos' favorite, but food was food.

King Titus growled lowly as they all tracked through the woods, small thorns and brambles caught on his fur and scrapped softly on his skin below his coat. The cold air blew between the trees whipping his face with and icy breeze. Titus looked ahead towards Apollo, and then looked back seeing Seyton. “How are you holding up?” He asked in a low grumble.

Seyton looked up ahead to Ming Titus, he cocked his head to the question, in the few times that he had been with Titus he had not spoken very much.

“I believe I’m doing alright, it’s kinda cold.” Seyton spoke back to Titus.

“Quiet.” A sharp snarl from ahead, Apollo had turned toward the two in the back, his teeth bared slightly.

He then turned back towards the trail ahead, the forest began to thicken, and for a moment Apollo lost the scent. The wind howled and whistled in his face, rain began to poor hard.

The rain dripped from the trees above, and poor buckets on the tokotas, now mostly sopping wet, the trail lost, and Apollo slowly led the small group in circles.

It was king Titus who stopped them.

“Apollo, we are lost.” He said almost shouting over the wind and rain. The king stopped and looked back. Seyton was dripping wet along with them, at least they were all close.

“We can’t just stop here.” Apollo barked in return. “We need food.”

The king shook his head. “We need to try again another day.”

Apollo glared at the king. “I have a son to feed. I’m not leaving here without food.”

Titius glared at Apollo and opened his mouth to speak again.

As those two were fighting, Seyton was looking out in the woods, he too was hungry, and worried about more food. Taking a deep breath, he too was about to give up with the king when a light started to glow.

Seyton blinked a few times thinking he was seeing things, but the light stayed there.

With only slight hesitation Seyton began to follow the light, it was a small beam of soft white with a slight golden tone to it.

The light raced through the woods, and Seyton followed after

Before long, the light stopped, and quickly changed form, a tall tokota with golden antlers stood before Seyton.

“Nagruk.” Seyton said in a low whisper. There before him, the god of the hunt, Nagruk stood. Seyton took a couple steps back, but Nagruk motioned him forward, the god like tokota started heading through the trees. Seyton cautiously followed.Nagruks walk was swift, and their coat was soft and flowing, as if the rain could not touch the god. Nagruk would look back now and again to make sure Sey was still following, and would give a small smile to reassure the nervous tokota.

Soon Nagruk lead Seyton to a rocky cliff side, there a hole torn by time and water lay, Seyton caught scent of the bear in the air. This was where Apollo had been trying to lead them.

Seyton looked back to Nagruk. Nagruk smiled softly and nodded to Sey before raising his head and turing back into the soft dim light, and disappearing.

Seyton than raised his head, letting out a large howl.

Apollo and Titus where so caught up in arguing that when the howl was heard, Apollo paused. Thinking it was a stranger for a moment.

“Where Seyton.” King Titus said quickly as he turned looking around them.

“That must be him.” Apollo responded quickly, turing towards the howl and rushing off. King Titus not to far behind.

Swiftly the two made it to the cave entrance where Seyton had been waiting.

“How did you find this?” Apollo asked in mid pant.

“I just kind looked around.” Seyton said, not sure if he should share his time with a god.

Apollo only nodded, though he had a look of suspicion.

Apollo and Seyton went into the bear den, it had been a bit too small for Titius to go into. Quickly the tokota’s knew they had not been along, Apollo pleased with that sharged straight towards the fist bear he could, bitting its arm. The cries of the bear echoed through the cave. Grunts and heavy growls came from deeper inside the cave. 

Seyton barley had time to move out of the way as another bear came from deeper and swung at him.Letting go fo the bear Apollo had in his mouth, he rushed to Seyton. “Get them outside so the King can help!” He barked orders quick.Seyton was on those orders, snapping into action he took a few lunges at the bears to make sure there attention was on the tokota’s, barking and growling, then turing towards the outside. Seyton was first out, with Apollo following behind.The two smaller tokotas stood beside the king.“Ready yourself.” Apollo warned.“King Titius’s legs began to stiffen, and as the frist bear started poking its head out, Titius raised himself and swung, hitting the bear head on and smacking it off to the side.Apollo was swift to jump at the other bear before it had a chance to attack the king, Seyton to the opposite side that Apollo was on. The bear began to thrash about widely as Apollo and Sey held on. Apollo digging his teeth further into the bears arm, and Sey grabbing hold of the bears sides.King Titius took his time to make sure the other bear would not get up and interfere with the fight. Once he was sure the bear was down for good, he turned his attention towards the bear the other two were on. He charged forward and reared up again, smacking both his paws across the head of the bear, helping the others take the bear down quickly.

Once the bear was downed, the three checked the caves in and out to make sure they had not missed anything.Apollo turned towards Sey and smiled a bit. “Thank you for helping us, not sure if we would have found this.”Sey smiled to the both of them and nodded. “Its not a problem, maybe we will meet again in better weather. Go home and feed your kiddo.” 

Apollo nodded back thankful that he had food for his young and the pack itself.

King titus looked to Sey with a nod. “See you again soon.”