deceit in a holy cause;

GoId Hymy
2 years, 5 months ago
2 years, 5 months ago
1 181 4

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 5 months ago

A false letter, a cruel forgery, meant to question Vilas' loyalty.

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Act well your part; there all honour lies

To the many Hands and Faces of the Iron Empress, may she live eternal, 

It has come to Our attention that one of the Empress' hands strays from the path; that their lips speak not of glory for our home, but of words of treason and heresy. Perhaps the Cabinet has been too lenient by sending them so far from their true calling. Perhaps they have been poisoned by our enemies, and know not of what they do. 

Regardless, any poison must be exhumed from the Body. To all known servants of the one true crown: know that one of the Faces has betrayed us with desires of autonomy, willingly partaking of the Third Crimson Sin, for which the penalty is death. 

Should any of the Faces stationed beyond enemy lines know of the Traitor's location in the Sickened Capitol, they are hereby ordered to engage without mercy. 

For the Glory of the Sun, the Holy Cabinet, and the Empress of All.
Hallowed be the names who walk in the light of her mercy, and act as extension of her will.