2 years, 3 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
2 813

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Mild Violence

rambled to venti <3 and didn't wanna forget it so

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Chapter 1

SO !!! HIS NAME IS YOKAI !!! and he is a BITCH an absolute LITTLE SHIT !! ( saying this with love I absolutely love him ) and he is little . he's 5 foot . HAHA SHORT !!

as I said , he's a BITCH !  he is arrogant and cocky and acts high and mighty , making up for his height with ego and personality !  he swears like a sailor and oh boy dont get on his bad side or you're FUCKED ! he will beat your ass !  thoooughh . . if you get close enough to him you'll see that this is all a facade . . and he's actually really insecure and hates himself  — despite the superiority complex he puts on !  he can be very soft , and will protect anyone close to him with his life . though of course he still says rude stuff but it is loving

yokai is actually a fucked up little meow meow :(( poor guy grew up in a very bad situation 

NOW THIS IS WHERE IT GETS HARD . bc I like the lore I had and it fit into his demon slayer backstory but it would b a bit hard modern day ,, so I am gonna adjust it as I go !


so his family is a bit stuck in tradition— sticking to old family ways , not keeping up with technology . . and yokai was born with heterochromia , and not only that but his other eye was gold . . which was seen as cursed . . hence why a bandage over one eye . . because his family tried to stab it out !

due to being seen as cursed , he was kept away from society as if he had never been born — working for his family basically as a servant .  he wasn't allowed to show emotion . not a bit . other than to nod and give a polite smile or have a straight face . and Oh if he cried then that was the worst in his families sight

this made him lose emotions — literally , became fully emotionless — which is why , even now he has the ability to put on a COMPLETELY BLANK face . like void of any emotion 

his feelings were never taken into account , he was never allowed to do stuff for himself , that's why when he was finally freed he put on this arrogant , self centered act— because growing up , he had been surrounded by people like that yet never able to feel that way aboit himself —

also , he has a LOT of trouble processing emotions since he wasn't allowed to feel them . . and is still learning exactly how , which is why even with those close to him he can't be a bit too blunt or unfeeling 

ALSO he avoids telling anyone about his lack of emotions or just his emotions in general just because of habit — he just repressed everything