To Each A Future

2 years, 3 months ago

vague bullet pointy beginning of cyrkensia's lore :)

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Cyrkensia grew up hearing horror stories of murderous mages and evil wizards, so the fear she felt when her own magic manifested when she was 7 was overwhelming.

She had been to mage trials before and knew how they always ended so going to her parents was out of the question, so she turned to her best friend Maya.

Whatever reaction she expected, it wasn't the pure excitement he had on his face as she produced snowflakes out of her hands. He made her light every candle they could find and then douse them as quick as they were lit.

It was Maya who showed her that it was the person who makes the magic, not the other way around.

When suddenly Maya was gone from her life, she was alone in a world secretly against her, so she resolved to make her world safer for everyone in her shoes.

10 Years Later

She lived day to day pretending to obey her parents' every order, weaseled her way where she could ("send him to the pits rather than execute him" only for them to mysteriously escape soon after)

Operated under the guise of innocence and fear of harming criminals, but her parents struggled to say no to her so she was able to get away with it over and over.

Maya had returned as suddenly as he had left, straight to her side. He told her everything he knew, just as she had entrusted him with her secret.

At night and whenever she could slip away at day, she communicated and worked with the resistance, providing them leads, plans, money, etc

Her father's right hand man always seemed to be keeping an eye on her, clearly suspicious of something about her, whether it be her magic or her connections he wasn't completely sure.

In the end, he is the one who reveals her after risky mission with the resistance goes awry.


Her parents were more than willing to keep her secret to use for their own benefit, but she refused to be a pawn for a cause she was actively against, causing her parents to turn on her.

She was to be executed, publicly told that she was betrothed to another country or off to study, but Maya stole her away as soon as he was able

She cuts her hair and wears hoods to keep her identity hidden as she travels the country gaining allies and helping those she can.

Throughout this time, she's frequently on edge, angry, and snappy. She knew she was always against her parents but she couldn't get the idea of them having her thrown into the gallows out of her head.

she slowly regains herself on her travels as she recognizes that despite the fact that they loved her, they were always monsters

When she gains enough resources and allies, she storms the castle with the intent to take what's hers.


A year(?) after retaking her kingdom, she gives up her throne. She never had any intent on ruling the masses, only to deliver them justice.

She instates a council to take her place, made up of allies she made on her travels and trusted nobles from her parents' rule, few that they may be.