crimsons x colbats and canary

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
1 283

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

crimson known for their great value for equality tho they struggle to know the line between their value and the ones of the other 2 groups. Colbat, willing to bring justice and peace to no matter any situation, tend to be very strict. And finally canary, the group from the primary additives to be known as a sort of peace social group, tend to stay out of things since they value the most peace.

rest is to read (a brief idea)

this literature will tell the main story: zizi and pastels. (wip)

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introduction (zizi and pastel lore)

in this world, morals and values are classified or defined either by which social group you're born in, which mindset you develop or simply for the social life you desire.

Some are born with powers, some are not. some have but yet have known how to trigger it. "It's a unfair world" most Crimson would say. "Everything has a cause and consequence for everything" the Colbat would say.  And the Canary, we'll they don't have any words to put into this world, they just want to live a happy peaceful life.

anyways let's come back to the start where Pastel and Zizi were still lil ones.

The family of Zizi and pastel are known to be a great source for the Colbat. Their parents have a great heritage advantage for their power source, but since at this time these two were only little girls. They tried making friends at school. Oh! How Zizi was such a social butterfly, and sweet of all things, the other girls got to like her a lot. For that cause over the years Zizi and Pastel got. . . distant from each other. Those girls whom some were amazing and others not, always had Zizi wrapped around their fingers. Pastel on the other hand had trouble getting some friends since the attention her sister had on the school had a big impact on how the girls viewed Pastel. Digging this hole deeper, Pastel also didn't get her power at the intendedage compared to her sister whom was lucky and got it early. Society having a huge values on powers didn't help the disappointment and despaire that followed Pastel. Pastel slowly felt more and more alone everyday that passed at school.