Tide’s full bio

2 years, 4 months ago

His bio, but really long. Also some of this may be subject to change so keep that in mind. (Also if there are spelling mistakes, I’ll fox them later. Just ignore them for now.)

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Tide, the son of a lowly fisherman, living on the deck of his father’s boat. Due to their lack of funds, Tide was never really able to go to school and was primarily taught by his father, who was gifted by a merphin years before Tide was born. To say it was a shock when his father was killed by a large fish, is an understatement. Tide being alone at 14, with hardly any skill, was struggling from that point onwards. 

He grew a hatred for the gods, for it was them who let his father be killed. Tide often mistreated fish whenever he managed to catch one, despite him not really realizing he was being cruel. It was misplaced anger towards the god of the sea. He immediately grew desperate to make any kind of money to fix things on the old boat and to afford to keep himself kicking. One time his desperation caused him to scam a merphin who was aware of his troubles, but Tide unfortunately still took advantage of the situation and scammed the merphin. 

Little did Tide know, that this was a test by the merphin, despite him trying to help out the lonely spinx, Tide was still selfish. So the merphin cursed him, leaving him to be a pathetic fish boy. This made life even harder for Tide, who was embarrassed by his actions and new apprentice, he avoided docking to sell fish out of shame. He was even more angry then when his father had passed, now he was incapable of making any sort of friends. (considering he was basically a walking sword and most nephians tended to avoid getting close)

Tide grew reckless and lived life on the edge, after he had realized things couldn’t get much worse. He developed new fishing methods and learned to accept his curse, despite him wanting it gone. Tide learned to live with it, and chose to ignore it. During this time, a wild harpip wound up in one of his nets. The feathered daredevil was named, Donny. They chatted for a while after the harpip regained his footing. 

Something then clicked in Tide’s head. If a follower of the sea god cursed him, would a follower of the opposite god reverse the curse with a harpip gift. This was flawless thinking on his part, but despite his once selfish motives, Tide actually got along with Donny well, who ended up sticking around on the boat with Tide after the two became really good friends. It was Donny who gave Tide the courage to dock at a fishing port and sell their wares, and helped Tide get over his anxiety about his curse. 

He would later learn that the merphin who had cursed him, had passed away. Leaving him to be a fish forever. (Tide has really weird logic due to his lack of schooling. So this just makes sense to him.) But he hopes to one day find a way to lift his curse, but for now he’s more then fine with being a fish boy forever, as long as he has friends.