Preparations for Sei - February Prompt Entry

2 years, 6 months ago

Word Count - 1045 -Entry Ditty- Graham is preparing everything to surprise his boyfriend Sei, everything has to be just perfect. Graham is a little OCD about everything being in the right place, and making sure there was nothing left out. He just hopes that he manages to get everything done before Sei shows up for their date.

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Graham smiled as he looked over his desk, card check, glitter check. Now on to the jewelry, Graham had watched one to many DIY videos on how to correctly create earrings. He just hoped they turned out right and that Sei would like them. He looked over all of his supplies with a big smile, he could do this.

His ears twitched as he began to piece together the gems and earing backs, he cocked his head. Was that right? He sure hoped it was right. He set them on a paper backing and then began to work on something special for Sei.

He wanted to make a necklace for him, he knew he wore that collar all the time but he hoped he could still wear them together. He smiled happily as he began to grab the charms and beads.

His fingers ached as he put the small pieces together but every part of it was worth it, he just wanted to see Sei's face when he received them. He lifted it up and smiled as he looked over the dangling pieces. This was what he was hoping for. There was an S in the middle for Sei's name. A few biohazard symbols like his tattoos, and a few small caution tape signs. He smiled as he adjusted it in his hand to make sure every little part of it was perfect.

He loved Sei and just wanted to make sure everything was perfect. He checked the time, he still had a few hours to go out and get a few more things.

He placed the earrings and necklace down beside the card and began to walk towards the store, he smiled hoping that he could find everything in time, with the bustle of the holiday he knew some things would be harder to find, but he also knew Sei wouldn't need anything big or spectacular, just getting to spend time together was enough.

He made his way to a local shop and began to look around, he headed down a few different isles and began to collect ingredients, they liked making pizza together and play videos games, he wanted to surprise Sei with an already done pizza. Their usual was a split topping pizza to make sure they both got what they liked. He picked up the peppers and sausage for Sei's half and the pepperonis for his own. He collected the pizza sauce and three cheese mix, and then made his way to get the dough.

He looked through a few more isles before he made it to the flower section, he looked through welt felt like hundreds of flowers but finally found some orange roses, he smiled smelling them. They were perfect, he hoped Sei wouldn't mind the flowers. He knew it was silly, but he wanted everything to be perfect.

He purchased the items and made his way back home. He held them close to his chest ensuring they didn't fall, he had one to many bad experiences with ripping bags to trust loosing any part of their night.

He raced home, he placed the flowers in a vase filling it up with water. He then began to work on the pizza, he danced about the kitchen as he listened to music his ears and tail twitching to the beat. He heard a knock at the door and raced to it hoping it was the package he had ordered, it was the last present he had for Sei. He had expected them earlier but with the mail being a bit behind due to so many valentines day cards and such it was a bit slower.

He opened the door and smiled big seeing what he had been expecting. He did small happy dance, something he did much more often then he thought he did. He opened the package and set them beside the card, flowers, and jewelry.

Some new tattoo inks for Sei. He smiled as he rearranged them a few times, he had to make sure everything was perfect. The final arrangement of them were a small heart. He grinned to himself, perfect.

He returned the kitchen, he placed the half and half pizza into the oven and set a timer. He paced and double checked his list, maybe even triple checked it, he wanted everything to go well. Sei was his first long term partner, he didn't really know if this was the right way to go about it all, but it felt right to him and so it was what he was doing.

He turned on the oven light to watch the pizza, the sauce and cheese bubbling. He licked his lips as the smell of the pizza wafted into his nose, it twitched a bit as he would catch the smell of the peppers. He checked over his TV and made sure their favorite video game was all set up, the music he had going for himself he already had a new playlist to go when Sei got their. It was a mix of their favorite songs.

He set out plates and filled their cups up with one another favorites drinks.

The ding of the timer went off, he raced to the oven and nearly forgot the oven mitts in his excitement. He pulled his hands away from the heat and placed his ice-cream cone decorated oven mitts over his hands before finally pulling it out of the oven. He meticulously cut the pieces and set two on each plate, they could always go back for more, but two was a good number.

He smiled and raced off to his room, made sure he looked presentable and checked the time once gain. He was supposed to be here any minute. He smiled and switched the music over to their songs and then returned to the living room. He checked over the gifts one more time making sure everything for Sei was there.

He nodded and took a deep breath, he then heard a knock at the door. He smiled wide and raced to the door, he ran a hand over his shirt to make sure it wasn't wrinkled before he opened the door. He smiled as his eyes laid on Sei. "Sei! I'm so glad you could make it!"