Mage Quests

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
1 255

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Gonna be good at fixing up those sick and broken travelers!

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Healing Hooves

Peppermint was pretty excited to begin learning the art of healing with the aid of her magic from Lavern. She had seen quite a few injuries that had come from the harsh environment that surrounded Snowhurst, and it would be something she could put to good use in her bed and breakfast. If a traveler came to her injured, she wanted to have the best options to help them instead of just crossing pooves and hoping for the best.

When Lavern had extended the offer to mages wanting to learn from her skills as the head physician of Chrysanthos palace, she knew that was going to be one of the best opportunities for her. Being a beginner, she knew that it would primarily be shadowing the more experienced mage, but it would be something that would help her in the future.

Peppermint had asked for Lavern at the palace and was immediately taken to the hospital wing of the palace. She saw various knights and mages resting in their beds, and went over to the bespectacled mage working on collecting items for what could have been a pretty serious wound.

“Hello, my name is Peppermint and I’m a new mage hoping to gain some new experience with you,” she said quickly, not wanting to distract Lavern or derail her train of thought.

“Excellent,” the expert said as she continued collecting medical supplies. “Please hold these and I will go over the treatment plan for the poor knight over on the nearest cot over there…”