One Hundred Knives

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
1 431

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Mild Violence

Everyone he tries to help is another of Timaern's knives in his back, as far as Solomon is concerned.

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"Solomon?" a familiar voice startled the wizard, concern gnawing at him near immediately. Luxis was on the other side of the war, if he was found here - Had he been taken? Was this his imprisonment? Solomon rose from his chair to see, finding Luxis in his doorway, waiting for permission to come in as though being polite was more important than not being caught.

“Get in, get in” Solomon said, all but shoving the young paladin in. He wasn’t all that young anymore, Solomon corrected himself. Nearly forty now and solidly a man, an old one for his profession, even. “Why have you come? Has something in our plan changed?”

“I’m getting married; I wanted to invite you, even if it isn’t reasonable for you to come,” Luxis began, voice filled with hope even when Solomon’s heart filled with dread.

“You must hide it, if-“ the wizard was cut off in his panic.

“We’re to be married in public, before the whole kingdom. I wouldn’t hide her as my parents did,” the soldier interrupted. “Her name is Olwen, and she is perhaps the most talented woman I’ve ever met, Solomon. You’d love her; she’s such a delight to be around. I couldn’t imagine spending a day with anyone else.”

“Luxis, they will kill her,” the desperation to stop Luxis seeped into Solomon’s words, a brutal, consuming fear behind them. “Timaern will have her killed, will have your children taken, will have you in chains. There's nothing they won't take from you to force your loyalty. You were born free and will die a slave."

“Solomon,” Luxis said, measured and calm as he took the wizard’s trembling hands. Solomon’s heart broke at the act. It was too familiar a comfort, one that had him drawing away from the touch. “She can fend for herself better than even I can; she’s fought them off before. Everything will be okay.”

Solomon could only nod, left alone with his thoughts when voices outside sent the paladin back to Almawqif Al'akhir and its rebels with all the haste his magic allowed. The wizard’s work long forgotten for the lingering desperation, Solomon sent himself back to Imperia and the gilded cage Timaern kept for him. The bait was set as it always was, the promise of unconditional love in welcoming arms where Solomon would swear once more to return and stay as soon as he’d found Kirimati. A promise they’d both be free, just like Luxis and Olwen were.