
2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 3 months ago
1 138 1

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Just a little quick story :) gae

is being updated!

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Tokyo sat, studying a mushroom he’d never seen before, with his tail curled around his talons. Aidan had been sitting beside him, just watching him, also pretty fascinated.

Tokyo had always loved plants and amphibians, and knew that Aidan found interest in his studies. After spending so much time together, they knew basically everything about each other, from good to bad qualities and past experiences. Eventually Tokyo finished, closing his journal and smiling at Aidan.

“Good findings today?”

“Yep! I really like this one, actually.” Tokyo was clearly excited about the newly found mushroom, smiling brightly as he told Aidan about it. “Oops. Sorry,” he said, covering his mouth after realizing he was ranting.

“No worries. I like hearing about it.” Aidan smiled, intertwining his tail with Tokyo’s, his expression bright. “Now, any plans for dinner?”