Moss's Min Min Lights Adventure

2 years, 3 months ago

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Moss was driving along a long lonesome road, not quite morning, when he saw it. Those ever-present, luminous, threatening lights. It was not like his eyes to deceive him, not anymore. Ominously, they stared, almost owl-like in their piercingness. As he slowed down, they slowed. He sped, they sped. 

“It’s not a game of Simon Says here, man,” Moss snorted. The lights had no reaction to his amazing joke, the peak of comedy. 


The lights just stared, like before. Moss thought that they may stay that way. Whatever. He didn’t want to waste his best material on something that couldn’t properly appreciate it. 

“Why does this always happen while I have shit to do? Why can’t it happen when I’m bored? Why are these rip-off will-o’-the-wisps still following me? I hate this,” Moss ranted. He still had to make his deadline for work, however, so he stopped fully. Pulling out his phone, Moss googled ‘Balls of light outback austraglia’. 

Moss kept driving, driving to his possible doom, driving evermore. Would he be seen later? Perhaps. That information is not for us to know. We only know this small snapshot of what happened, not the full, everlasting story.