
2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

Just when Malachi and Grigori think it’s safe to start traveling again, they are quickly proven wrong by a pissed off Spider and his crazy sister. Now Malachi has to figure out how to get his twin away from their clutches, while trying to keep his brother from killing him in the process.

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Back to traveling

It had been about two months since that incident with Sterling. And, needless to say, Malachi was rather pleased to find that his twin Grigori had recovered since then. His twin was right back to being loud and obnoxious; dragging him around the Great Library whenever things were slow. Though he’d hate to admit it… it was, refreshing, to see his brother had recovered so well.

Although, there was still one thing that was striking him as odd. Grigori, was refusing to leave the Great Library at all. He didn’t want to go exploring other dimensions anymore, instead only desiring to cause havoc in the Library. Malachi just couldn’t understand why he was refusing to go anywhere. Earth he understood- Sterling was there. But there were so many other realms they could go, so he just didn’t understand why Grigori suddenly gave up the exploring.

But he was determined to find out.

Thankfully his twin was settled down for the moment, simply relaxing in front of the Great Fountain and humming a tune he didn’t recall hearing before. Perhaps it was something from earth. Still, this was a good chance to talk to him. “So Grigori. We’ve been in the Library for a while now. Tell me, why don’t you want to go anywhere?”

Grigori’s peaceful expression was replaced with one of annoyance. And, a slight blush, as he spoke. “What, I can’t have a break from exploring?”

“For two months?”

The red one turned a whole new shade of red to this, looking to the side bitterly. Hand rubbing his neck a bit, as he mumbled out. “… I’m… afraid… Sterling will find me, ok…?”

Malachi blinked a bit to this, trying to process what he’d heard. Afraid… of Sterling? That four arms jerk was the reason behind Grigori wanting to stay in the Library…? “… you’re… afraid of Sterling?”

Grigori groaned, placing a hand over his eyes, as if to hide really. Muttering out. “Mal, I’ve seen what regular supernatural beings can do on earth. Demons can lift boulders like it’s nothing, or shoot fire at you from across the room. And if Sterling really IS above all that, well… he could easily rip me in half and eat my eyes for desert.”

Well. That was… certainly an image. Though Malachi supposed it was fair in some regard. He’d seen a few demons on earth himself, and he knew his brother wasn’t exaggerating their powers. He’d seen one on his own with black hair and a purple streak in it suddenly burst into blue flames before during a small performance piece. Their powers were definitely not something to take lightly. Especially when you take in the fact that Grigori literally STOMPED on Sterlings-

“And considering what I did to the guy, I doubt he’d let me get away with it. Soooo yeeeeah, I’m a bit worried about going back.” Grigori chuckled out, looking annoyed he even admitted that. Which was no surprise. Grigori did NOT like doing anything that would make him look like a coward. Though, he was admitting to the fact that Sterling was one opponent he wouldn’t be able to defeat, and that took a lot to do.

“… Well. You’ve still been up in the Library for too long, and I’m bored.” Malachi figured being blunt would be best right now. Grigori always responded better to blunt honesty after all. Besides, who really knew in the end? Sterling couldn’t possibly know they were on earth right? Surely no being was THAT powerful on that planet. “What are the odds Sterling would know where you are?”

The red Eye grumbled to that there, looking away in annoyance. No doubt he didn’t like that little comment, but still. He must’ve known Malachi had a point in the end. What really were the chances Sterling would know he was on earth? What if Sterling wasn’t powerful enough to know he was there? Besides, he WAS getting bored just sitting around the library… maybe Malachi had a point. Maybe he was worried over nothing.

Laughing mildly, he stood up and brushed himself off a bit. Shaking his head faintly as he spoke. “Geez Mal. If you wanted to get outta here so bad, why didn’t ya just go by yourself? What, do you need me to hold your hand~?”

“Oh shut up…” Mal grumbled, crossing his arms and turning away quickly. Leave it to Grigori to ruin something nice he was trying to do! … still. He supposed it was a, relief, to see he was practically back to normal. All that silence and moping was definitely just not normal for his twin.

Grigori moved forward then and opened up a red portal with regular confidence. Yet when it came to going through, he froze up when he went to step through. Nervousness seen on his face once again. Though, Malachi wasn’t surprised. It was easier to say you were gonna go than to actually do it. Smirking mildly, he came over and started to push the other into the portal. Figuring that would be all it would take to get him to take that first step.

And it worked.

At last they made it through to what seemed to be a forest clearing with a small lake. It was definitely a beautiful spot without a doubt, though not the typical spot Grigori would go to. He couldn’t help but wonder why his twin wanted to come here of all places.

His question was quickly answered though, as Grigori suddenly did a massive cannonball into the lake! This of course, soaked him as well. “Grigori!” He yelled out, right as his twin resurfaced laughing loudly.

“Hah! You should come in Mal! The waters nice~!”

“Yeeeeah, I’m good.” Malachi mumbled, wringing the water from his hair. As annoying as this was already becoming, it was… nice… to see Grigori loosening up already.

Finally, things were starting to feel normal again.


“Oh wow- how stupid.” Sterling muttered, slapping a hand over his face at what he was seeing in his sisters enchanted mirror. That dumb red colored Eye of Ether, was here on earth. After what he did too… seriously. He would’ve thought the other would’ve had more sense then that.

“Hey, lucky for us though!”

A hand shoved him rather hard from behind, almost causing the Spider being to take a stumble himself as he clutched the wall for dear life. Grumbling as he adjusted himself, turning to glare at his younger sister. “Topaz, easy!”

“Oh come now Sterling. Get hyped!” Topaz cut him off, hand up against his face as she grinned at the mirror. Green spiral eyes simply shimmering with all the ideas she had in stirs for this Eye. “After what that brat did? It’s time to let loose and go nuts! Besides, I’ve got a little something special in store for him~”

Sterling sighed, yet threw on a smirk regardless. After all, he knew his sister must have something truly terrible in store for that annoying little Eye.

And he was excited to see it unfold~