Dameon and the Baby

2 years, 2 months ago

The aftermath of an old OLD RP, where Dameon survived but it turned out that the love of his life, Kirk, was one of the ones behind it all along. It crushes him, but he continues to live on despite it. And out in the new wasteland, Dameon finds what he needs to live on.

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It had been a few days since they had emerged from that Factory. A few days since it had all ended. Where Kirk and Hiroto met their maker. They met a few girls that had arrived on a boat soon after they had emerged, showered in a silvery cloud of dust. 

The girls were… Interesting, to say the least. But it sounded like they had been through a similar killing game. Naturally, the two groups merged, forming a weird ragtag group of teenagers now charged with fixing society. What a great start, right?

They had taken shelter in an abandoned house, which was a little decrepit, but it worked for them. They started small, by exploring their nearby surroundings. They stuck by each other, just in case anyone happened to jump out at them. 

The neighborhood appeared to be abandoned, with lawns unkempt and grass up to their ankles. It was a total mess, as they had expected. It was quiet in the early morning, the sun just above the horizon. The clouds in the sky were tinted pink and orange, such radiant and beautiful colors. Dameon couldn’t help but get distracted by it. He missed this…

A shrill cry broke the silence, causing them all to jump. Amelia rushed forward, looking for the source of the sound.

Nothing moved. The cry hiccuped and continued. Dameon could have sworn it sounded like…

It sounded like a _baby._

He quickly ran towards the noise, alarming everyone. Amelia called out to him, trying to grab onto his coat, but he was too quick. 

Dameon darted into a pale-colored house with a door that was barely on it’s hinges. The entire building looked like it was about to crumble. He arrived in a living room. 

The crying got louder.

He darted down a nearby hallway, anxiety bubbling up in his chest. Something inside him told him he had to find the source. It tugged at his heartstrings, really. He couldn’t just leave it out here to possibly _die._

Dameon followed the source, and soon found a pale blue room, the door already open. He approached it carefully, quietly… It looked like a nursery. Toys littered the floor, most of them broken. And right by the window, was a cradle.

There was a baby inside of it.

He rushed over and looked down at the child, clad in loose pink clothing. She was crying, reaching up and grabbing at the air as if she was looking for something.

Dameon couldn’t help himself. He reached down and picked up the small girl, and brought her to his chest. To be honest, he was stunned by this discovery. How could the parents just leave their baby? This world truly was cruel and the people were selfish… 

She kept crying though, so Dameon held her close and start to shoosh her quietly, curling over her small form. She couldn’t have been older than a year…

The child kept crying no matter what though. He had to think quickly, so, he thought to his childhood. He remembered a lullaby his brother Nikolai would sing to him to try and soothe him when he was a small child. 

He took a deep breathe and began to sing softly, 

“Kοιμάται το τριαντάφυλλο κοντά στη μαντζουράνα,
κοιμάται το παιδάκι μου με τη γλυκιά του μάνα~.

Kοιμάται το παιδάκι μου στην αργυρή του κούνια,
στην αργυρή και στη χρυσή και στη μαλαματένια~.

Kοιμήσου συ, παιδάκι μου, κι εγώ σε νανουρίζω,
κι εγώ την κούνια σου κουνώ, γλυκά να σε κοιμίζω~.

Kοιμήσ’ αστρί, κοιμήσ’ αυγή, κοιμήσου, νιο φεγγάρι,
κοιμήσου, κυρά θάλασσα με το χρυσό σου ψάρι~.”

The rose is sleeping beside the marjoram.
My little child is sleeping by his sweet mother's side.

My child is sleeping in his silver cradle,
In his cradle made of silver and of gold.

Sleep on, my child, and I will rock thee,
And I will rock thy cradle, that sweet thy slumber be.

Sleep star, new moon and morning, sleep,
And lady ocean with thy silver fishes, sleep!

Halfway through the song, the child seemed to calm down. He smiled a bit, and gently rubbed her cheek. Her skin was so soft… 

She giggled and reached out to grab onto his finger. It made his heart melt.

Author's Notes

The song is called Nani-Nani (or sleep-sleep) and it's a classic Greek lullaby!
This is what it sounds like!