The Ref of my Pokesona : Oshal

2 years, 6 months ago

Just some information around my Pokesona Oshal!

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This is a ref sheet of my Pokesona. It's always carrying a blanket since it's very sleepy and wearing a sleep cap for comfort. Its eyes are always closed since he's such a sleepy boy. He is constantly yawning and passing out in a matter of seconds, always finding a comfy spot to rest in.

The Everstone in the ref sheet is usually taped behind the Scalchop at all times, never really wanting to evolve. The Everstone is invaluable to him, as without it he's not himself, which sends him panicking to find one, although this happens rarely. Due to the attachment of his Everstone, he is also attached to his Scalchop, cleaning it and keeping it both well-kept some of the time, when he isn't sleeping.

He's a mostly neutral person, a bad fighter but will always try to settle things through words rather than brawn. His water blade when fighting doesn't have a consistent shape, either a tad bit too small or little bits of wavy rather than a sharp end. That doesn't mean he can't fight, but choose to because of it.

He's also very forgetful and clumsy at times, not really noticing what's happening around him, even if he is at fault. Unfortunately this has led to plenty of issues, since memory is something that he tries his best to grasp but cannot for the life of him.

He has someone special to defend him however. Someone that he holds very dear and wants to be next to them at all times. Someone that can help memorize things for him, someone to keep them on his feet without stumbling and someone to hold onto in case the going gets rough.