The Suffering Begins Anew

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
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Chapter 2
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Rory returns to Stela after the shop is rebuilt

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The Race

The flight to the park was swifter than Rory would have liked. Cloud knew the way well, since it was just outside their Den. In fact, there was a pretty good view of the artificial lakes if they looked outside their window. Being in the city center, the park was quite small and well managed. Instead of the untamed growth of a wildlife reserve, it was nicely trimmed, carefully organized, and surrounded by tall buildings. Brick paths danced between the trees and lined the lake, and right now they were all brimming with people. Cloud landed on two feet in a clear area and fell to his wing knuckles with a thud. He glanced around, excited at all the people right here at his favorite park! What's going on? he asked Rory happily. The Rider was also at a loss, looking around for a reason. He squinted at one of the signs next to the lake. It had been blown to the side because of the wind, but it was still legible. "SWIMMING COMPETITION"

A closer look at the crowd showed they were dressed lighter than seasonable. It was autumn, but plenty of people were running around in a t-shirt and what he now knew to be swimming trunks. A few people were practicing in the water, joined by their dragons. The competition didn't say whether it was for people or dragons, but it didn't quite matter. What did matter is that Cloud stayed far away from the lake. Don't go near the competition, they're very busy, he instructed Cloud. He doubted the organizers had the means to make it a sudden ice skating competition.

“Oh my, quite busy today. I wonder why.” Stela mused out loud to herself, not landing with Ara quite yet but when she did the dam did so very gracefully, the grass under her shifting but was gentle as her feet touched down and then she leaned down to walk around with her winged arms.

“There’s a swimming competition! Can I join?” Ara asked, making her biggest eyes at Stela who wasn’t actually paying mind, though did look back.

“Well, I suppose. You need to take off your saddle and get dry before we go home. You know I don't like being wet unless I’m in the nude.” Not realizing that within ear shot was Rory telling Cloud not to join, she also thought nothing of what if the pretty dam Cloud so desired went for a dip. “And no shenanigans, people want to enjoy the water too.”

Not that Araceli needed to be told twice, she was still as Stela took off the saddle, taking it with her as she turned to find Rory and Cloud but no open spots to lounge in. A shame, she was hoping to sit and make bedroom eyes at Rory while the dragons flirted for a bit, before they had a race of their own. Though maybe...

“Hey Rory, do you want to take a small little chunk of that debt of yours that you owe me?” Her words were sweet, with a slightly devious smile on her face. Maybe, just maybe, she could tempt Rory into a race with that sort of offer.

Cloud's ear twitched when he heard Maristella give the go-ahead for Araceli to race. He made a squeaky, chittery laugh as he realized Rory had only said for him to stay away on the inside. "Araceli is racing, so I'm racing too!" he said, trying to wiggle out of the saddle and having no luck. He managed to get half his wing stuck underneath. He snapped at it, strained, and then lowered his ears and whined for Rory to help, though the Rider's attention was elsewhere now.

Rory looked at Stella with suspicion, though he didn't have room to be picky or complain. He sighed. "I'm here to help, aren't I?"

"You are indeed~ But this is less help and more of a bet. Not sure if you're quite into that." She had never taken him gambling, she was taking any spare money he had for his debts and it seemed cruel to taunt him if he had no spending money. "Ara just loved to race though, such a good girl but likes to have all the fun too. If you win with Cloud I'll take some of of your debt~"

She didn't even plan to add more on if he lost, but didn't say that either. She loved watching him debate were things worth it before taking the bait.

This was hardly the walk in the park he expected, but it turned out to be a nice surprise. Ice skating would be disastrous, it was true, but it meant the two storms would certainly win. On top of that, he could bet against himself. If anyone else won, he'd have an excuse to lose a sum of money equal to about what he owed. He could just point to the races and say part was repayment, part was credit towards the future. Either way, he could be cleared of his debt. But Rory, I like when you're in debt. You go to see Araceli and Stella and Astra and are very happy, Cloud complained. The dragon also wiggled a little, stuck in the saddle. Rory help? Cloud race?

Fine, fine, he said, helping the wyvern unfasten the saddle. I'll let you race, but only one lap, and you have to win. Cloud nodded enthusiastically. "Alright, Maristella. I'll bet on Cloud, just for one lap. Nothing bad happens if I lose, right?"

"You should have asked that before you accepted~" She teased, wrapping her arm around his waist to pull him closer. Shooing Araceli off, she chirped for Cloud and 'walked' with him to where people were lining up to race. They were on even footing at least, against each other that was. Who knows who else was joining to win small amounts of money for fun. "I do wish you luck, though I can't say I'll be devastated if you lose." Smooching his cheek with her darker colored lipstick was a treat when it stained and she made no effort to wipe it off of him.