"The End,"

2 years, 6 months ago

The character sheet [extensive] of Terach and The End.

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"The End,"


~ Terach

"My whispers will overcome your screams,"

~ The End

Human Name: Terach Zalmon Nupazh

Wolf Name: The End Isn't Here Yet

Nicknames: Terr, End and Nunph.

Terr; the name his wolf counterpart came up with.

End; the name his human counterpart came up with. 

Nunph; a childhood nickname from his parents.


Canonically; 27 years old.

Played anywhere from 20-30 years old.

Birthday: March 5th.

Species: Werewolf [Archeclpius subspecies]

Born from the native Ascelpius, Terach is a fourth generation Archcelpius Werewolf. Being a full blooded Archeclpius allows for a multitude of unique traits, perhaps the most important is that Terach can not be distinguished between a human and a werewolf; the only circumstance that he can be distinguished is if he's in the presence of a more powerful werewolf subspecies. Other charastics of his species specifically are taller heights, more easily scarred, and the fact that his wolf can possess his human form and vice versa.

Like all werewolves, Terach is weakened when injected with Wolfsbane and killed by a silver sword to the heart. In terms of his species specifically however, Archcelpius werewolves are incredibly weak against witches, witchcraft and figures of religion (such as a priest). 

When it comes to Archcelpius’ their strength is found within their bonds and within their wolf form. When bonded to a mate, Archcelpius are connected by the souls, allowing for each other to share energy, heal each other's wounds and they often feel as if sharing one body. In terms of their strengths in their wolves, Archcelpius’ were originally bred for their massive size. Often being large enough to carry a full grown man. Along with this size, Archcelpius have incredible smell and hearing but lack in sight and taste. 

Being an Archcelpius is incredibly limiting, their species can shift an unlimited amount of times, however with each shift, comes an incredible pain. As well as Archcelpius’s are easy to manipulate by a intermediate witch, making them perfect slaves as well as a good replacement for familiars.

Gender:  Male

Pronouns; he/him.

Sexual Orientation:

Terach is bisexual, but prefers females.

End is pansexual, with no prefrence.

Current Residence:

A cabin settled in Stonetooth mountains.



8/10 [End]

6/10 [Terach]


2/10 [End] 

7/10 [Terach]


10/10 [End]

4/10 [Terach]


1/10 [End]

8/10 [Terach]


5/10 [End]

3/10 [Terach]


1/10 [End]

3/10 [Terach


Parents; Lanton Nupazh (Dead) and ‘Avayia Nupazh (Dead).

Lanton and ‘Avayia were incredible parents, however their time was cut short when their pack was sold out by their alphas to protect their kin. Terach was one of the pups kept by the alphas in an ‘apologetic’ way.

Terach has no siblings, children, pets or a mate.


Food; Beef jerky [Terach] Vision [End]

Color; Black [Terach] Blue [End]

Song; Looking at the Devil; Siebold[Terach] You Can Run; Adam Jones [End] 

Smell; Campfire [Terach] Wet timber [End]

Feeling; Vibrating floors [Terach] Being pet [End]

Season; Winter [Terach] Spring [End]

Place; Cabin [Terach] The City [End]

Least Favorites:

Food; Eggs [Terach] Lettuce [End]

Color; Yellow [Terach] Red [End]

Smell; Wet Dog [Terach] Coffee [End]

Season; Summer [Terach] Winter [End]

Place; Public [Terach] School [End]

Terach’s Appearance

Height: 6’7”

Terach is incredibly tall and thin, being so thin that his veins bulge from his wrists and his shoulders are shaped in a near perfect rectangle. His hips are large and he’s quite curvy for what he is. Other notable features that are hard to ignore is the fact that Terach is covered head to toe in scars; to the point where he looks like he spent most of his life in the wild fighting feral animals. Terach’s eyes are a deep jungle green color, sharp in shape and settled between a small nose. In terms of hair, Terach has a lot, wearing his in a man bun


- Pronouns.

- Are they accepted?

- Who knows?

Sexual Orientation:

- Are they accepted?

- Who knows?

Current Residence:

- Is it a decent place?

- Does anyone else live there?

- Do they have pets there?


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Animal Representation:

- Do they have a relationship with said animal?

- Why does this animal represents them?

Combat Training:

- What's their preferred style?

- Who taught them?

- What is their credibility?

- Do they possess any 'abilities' that provide an advantage?


Border 1


Stats: **Suggestion, keep it at 28 for a total

- Strength

- /10

- Perception

- /10

- Stamina

- /10

- Charisma

- /10

- Intelligence

- /10

- Wisdom

- /10

Total Stats: /60


Border 1



- Parents?

- What are they like?

- Dead or alive?

- Are they in their life?

- Siblings?

- What are they like?

- Dead or alive?

- Are they in their life?

- Children?

- What are they like?

- Dead or alive?

- Are they in their life?

- Pets?

- What are they like?

- How are they treated? (Like animals or babies?)

- What species are they?

- How often are they around?

- Other Significant People?

- What are they like?

- Dead or alive?

- Are they in their life?


Border 1


Past Relationships:

- How many relationships have they been in?

- What were the relationships like?

- Do they have a positive or negitive view on relationships?

- Have they ever been cheated on? Married?


- Do they have a crush?

- What makes them so special?

- What reminds them of said crush?

Current Relationship?

- Status.

- Are they looking?

- What is the relationship with their partner like?

- Who is their partner?

- Do they intend to marry or is it just a thing to do?

- What makes them work so well together?


Border 1



- Food

- Color

- Song

- Music genre

- Smell

- Feeling

- Season

- Place

- Other

Least Favorites:

- Food

- Color

- Song

- Music genre

- Smell

- Feeling

- Season

- Place

- Other

Opinions On:

- Politics?

- Relationships?

- Diffrent Cultures?

- Other contriversial topics.


Border 1



Body Type:

- Are they slim or well built? Can they actually get muscles?

Body Build:

- What does someone see when their clothes are off?

- Is it all muscle? Nothing but bones?

- Definfing body traist! Ex. Lanky arms, large hips, broad shoulders.

Eye Color:

Hair Color:

Hair Style:

Skin Color:

- Race.

- Complexions.

- Damage to skin?

- Do they have freckles? Moles? Achne?


- What does their colonge/perfume smell like?

- Is it femine? Masculine? Andryogounous?

- Is it barley noticable? Or is it nose burning?


- Do they have an accent?

- How do they usually speak?

- Are htey generally loud or quite?


- Do your research!

- Do they have any physical defomations? How does it affect them?

- mental Disabilities? How does this afect them daily? Do they medicate?


Border 1


Daily Outfit:

- What they're usualy seen in.

- Include acessories, shirt, pants, shoes, coats, ect.

Unsual Outfit:

- What they're not usually seen in.

- Include acessories, shirt, pants, shoes, coats, ect.

Sleep Outfit:

- What they wear to bed.

- Include acessories, shirt, pants, shoes, coats, ect.

Formal/Buisness Outfit:

- Special Outfit for work, dates, funerals and weddings.

- Include acessories, shirt, pants, shoes, coats, ect.

Party Outfit:

- What they wear when they intend to have fun.

- Include acessories, shirt, pants, shoes, coats, ect.


Border 1


Native Language:

- Can they speak it still?

- Can they read it?

- Write it?

Other Languages:

- When did they learn it?

- How did they learn it?

- Can they speak it?

- Can they read it?

- Can they Write?

Character Final Goal:

- What do they need to complete to finally feel satisfied?

Other Goals:

- What do they want?

- Do they plan to work for these goals too?


- What do they do in their spare time?

- How long have they done this?

- Are they good at it?


Border 1


Are they Religious?:

- What religion?

- What God/Goddess?

- What beleifs do they have?

- What do they do abnormally beacsue of it?

- How far do they take it?

- What do they avoid?


Border 1


Additional Notes:

