
2 years, 2 months ago
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A complete timeline of events involving my Bendy and the Ink Machine OCs.

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Author's Notes

Katie Levenson age at death: 26

Silas Redwell age at death: 25

Emma Angel age (estimated): 10-12

Abby age: ageless

[March 24, 1920] - Katie Levenson is born

[April 2, 1921] - Silas Redwell is born

[April 25, 1931] - Silas is introduced to violin

[December 3, 1939] - Katie’s father dies from a car accident

[January 7, 1940] - Katie’s mother falls ill, unable to work

[Feburary 25, 1940] Katie meets Joey Drew at a bar, accepts his offer to work as a side character voice actress

[October 13, 1941] - Katie’s mother is officially cured from her illness

[December 26, 1941] - Emma Angel is created, and Katie is promoted to her full-time VA

[April 17, 1942] - Silas is offered a job at Joey Drew Studios as part of the orchestra and accepts

[July 3, 1942] - Katie and Silas meet

[August 1, 1944] - Silas asks Katie out, she declines

[August 17, 1944] - Rosie Redwell is born

[June 11, 1945] - Katie asks Silas out, they begin dating.

[July 23, 1945] - Joey Drew begins to speak with Katie about his plans, and gets close with her about his real intentions. Katie stays distant.

[September 6, 1945] - Katie begins to trust Joey

[September 12, 1945] - Silas is worried about Katie, but Joey tells Katie not to tell him about their conversations. Katie complies.

[October 30, 1945] - Katie’s mother is fired, most of their savings go into paying bills. They are financially unstable

[November 18, 1945] - Joey suggests drinking dosages of ink and to turn her into the perfect Angel in return for a pay raise. Katie calls him insane and storms out.

[November 25, 1945] - Katie’s mother falls into critical condition once more, and Katie is forced to accept Joey’s deal.

[March 1, 1946] - Katie’s condition deteriorates because of ink poisoning. Joey asks her to take her breaks in his office to monitor her condition.

[April 13, 1946]- Katie passes out on the job. Silas tries to take her to the hospital, but she refuses and insists she’s fine

[July 13, 1946] - Katie passes out after hours in Joey’s office, in critical condition. Joey takes her to the ink machine and sacrifices her to bring Emma to life.

[July 13, 1946] - (continued) Emma is brought to life, but in a deep sleep. Katie’s soulless body becomes fully corrupted by the ink and turns into a searcher which is promptly killed. Emma is wrapped in Katie’s sweater and left in a locked closet.

[July 15, 1946] - Katie is reported missing, an investigation takes place but nothing is discovered. Silas takes a week off of work to cope.

[July 20, 1946] - Emma wakes up, but she is slowly forming mentally, and cannot speak, show emotion, or hold memory. It is discovered that she is structurally unsound, and is prone to falling apart. She is put back to sleep to continue developing while Joey decides wether she is a failed experiment or not.

[July 23, 1946] - Silas returns to work, notices various other coworkers missing. He decides to look around to see if their dissapearances and Katie’s are connected.

[August 1, 1946] - Katie Levenson’s dissapearance is ruled a suicide because of her abnormal behavior, yet no body has been discovered.

[August 4, 1946] - Silas discovers failed experiments, mutilated clones, and inspects the machine, but comes to no solid conclusion.

[August 11, 1946] - Silas finds sleeping Emma and her design blueprints. He pieces together what happened and leaves work early due to shock.

[August 12, 1946] - Silas comes to work with a gun and points it at Joey in his office, demanding an explanation. Joey fails to calm him down, and Silas shoots but misses, hitting the wall. Other workers arrive to see what the noise is, Silas runs away deep into the studio, locks himself in a random room. Unfortunately he picked the room holding the Ink Demon, and he is killed.

[August 13, 1946] - Silas’s body is discovered by Joey Drew, who takes him to the ink machine and attempts to create a new Bendy. The experiment fails, turning Silas into a hostile half lost one, half toon beast. The monster is locked away and the door is boarded up.

[August 28, 1959] - Joey Drew Studios is abandoned

[December 9, 1959] - Silas is released by Allison and Tom, and taken with them as an ally. Due to corruption, Silas has no memories and his personality has been altered. He takes on the name “Abby” (short of Abyss).

[November 16, 1960] - Emma Angel is found by Twisted Alice, and taken care of while she slept

[November 20, 1960] - Emma wakes up, and is greeted by Twisted Alice, who tells her that they are sisters and that she will protect her

[November 25, 1960] - Emma is put to work as Twisted Alice’s errand girl.

[November 30, 1960] - The Ink Devon attacks Allison, Tom, and Abby. Abby chooses to abandon them to save himself. Allison and Tom live. Abby is too ashamed to face them, so he goes on his own.

[December 2, 1960] - Abby discovers a secret area accessed through a hole under the stairs, makes a safehouse in the middle, and calls it floor five.

[February 14, 1961] - Emma’s right eye and half of her left wing are removed by Twisted Alice as a punishment. [February 16, 1961] - Twisted Alice discovers that Emma can regenerate appendages and organs if healed with extra thick ink, begins using her as a source of spare parts.

[February 28, 1961] - Abby finds an audio recording of Katie, and regains a small part of his memories. He goes searching for more

[March 30, 1961] - Abby recovers enough of his memories to know who Katie was, and how she died. Abby remembers his grief.

[April 3, 1961] - Abby begins to obsessively collect Emma Angel merchandise, and anything he associates with his limited memories of her.

[April 15, 1961] - Abby goes completely insane, and begins wandering the studio babbling inconsolably about “his angel” and how he has to find her.

[April 24, 1961] - Abby sees Emma from a distance, and begins obsessing over her, associating her with a daughter figure, and follows her quietly on her errands to protect her if she needs it. Emma is unaware of his presence.

[??? 1963] - Henry enters the studio

[??? 1963] - Henry is attacked by Abby, but manages to run away before harmed.

[??? 1963] - Henry meets Emma while working for Twisted Alice, and convinces her that Alice is hurting her, and swears to take her with him when he escapes.

[??? 1963] - Henry is dropped by Twisted Alice, and Emma is called a “treacherous sister” by Twisted Alice and is forced to beg to be accepted back by her, only to be cast off with Henry again to help him on his hunt for Buddy Boris.

[??? 1963] - Twisted Alice is killed, and Emma is taken in by Allison. Emma is hesitant to trust Allison, but sees that Allison is kinder than Twisted Alice.

[??? 1963] - Emma is forced to leave Henry behind when the Ink Demon attacks.

[??? 1963] - While Henry is on his own, he is approached by Abby. He praises Henry for being kind to his daughter, and offers to accompany him to help guarantee her safety.

[??? 1963] - Abby helps Henry reach Emma, but leaves before he meets them to avoid confronting Allison. Emma sees him anyways, and thanks him for helping Henry get by safely

[??? 1963] - Emma stays with Allison and Tom, Abby stays on his own.