
5 years, 9 months ago

The best parties for Shigeo Eizan are those on which he get's to have his regular banter with Chieko Marui.

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“I can remember entering this house in a party of five people, now we’re only two. How did that happen?”

The question of his older brother next to him prompted Shigeo Eizan to look up from his cell phone and turn to said relative instead.

He saw how his brother looked around in confusion, searching the formal and sumptuous surrounding for a possible answer. “Where are mother and father? ….. And Kei?”

And in the very next moment, Shigeo already rested his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “You know what, Masashi,” he flashed a smug grin, “if you weren’t always so caught up in your fantasies of a perfect culinary world after your example, you would have seen where they went.”

As response, Masashi just gave him the usual scowl and raised an eyebrow. Something that did not unsettle Shigeo in the least. “Well, you can call yourself lucky that you have me. Your ever-attentive brother who overheard Dad going to talk to a business partner, Mom meeting an old friend, and Kei …. . "He took his hand back from Masashi’s shoulder, but the grin did not leave his face. ”… Kei has certainly disappeared somewhere brother-free.“

Masashi frowned. "Aha …” Then he turned away to inspect the other guests again. “Thanks for the information, Shigeo. But please remember to call me ‘onii-sama’ next time. I’m older than you after all.” “Yeah, yeah, what would you do without me?” Shigeo replied completely ignoring his brother’s latter statement as he rather turned his attention to the waitress, who was balancing a tray of champagne through the crowd.

Behind him he heard an indignant snort. “Pfah! You can also be a single plague quite often, Shigeo! Starting with the fact that you have to constantly bring in these worthlessnesses of friends … ” “They are not my friends.” Corrected Shigeo immediately. “They all just work for me. The word 'henchmen’ fits a little better. ”

“Call it what you want! Despite all, they are primitive and indecent barbarians from the streets with whom I do not want to be associated, so just finally listen to me and…” While his brother behind him was still busy holding one of his tirades, the waitress came closer.

The grin dripping with arrogance instantly disappeared from Shigeo’s face and gave way to an elegant, friendly, almost angelic smile. “Excuse me?” He asked in a sugar-sweet tone and as expected the waitress immediately gave him her attention. Much to the frustration of the other man who had aimed to address the woman. .

Still smiling innocently, Shigeo pointed to the glasses. “Could I please…?”

The woman apparently needed a little moment for herself, because she stared at Shigeo perplexed without doing anything for quite a few seconds. Then reality seemed to break down on her again and she hurriedly exclaimed. “Oh! Of course!”

“Help yourself,” she offered, her cheeks flushed, holding the tray out to Shigeo.

“Too friendly.” He purred and took one of the glasses. “I certainly must express my appreciation for such a qualified and lovely staff to the host.”

The girl’s head only heated up more and she looked down. “It…was nothing…” she mumbled before she quickly walked away.

As soon as she was gone, the friendly smile of Shigeo disappeared and the complacency returned.

But he could not enjoy his triumph for very long. Even before he could even take a sip of the champagne the glass was already taken from his hands.

“You are too young to drink.” Masashi said sternly and gave his brother a reproachful look. “And stop flirting with the waitresses!”

“I did not!” Shigeo replied, but it was too late. Masashi had already started another speech. “You should respect the laws of this country a little more, Shigeo. And that does not just apply to this. As a general rule…”

Slightly annoyed, Shigeo turned away from his brother again to look for a new waitress between the crowd of people.

He did not spot any of these.

But he discovered someone else for that.

Someone much better.

Someone who was on their way to the balcony alone.

“Well would you look at that.” Muttered Shigeo and could not hide the dark anticipation in his voice.

And without paying any attention to Masashi, he made his way to the balcony.


“Well, who do we have there?” He asked in his usual vain way as he closed the glass door of the patio behind him. “And here I was, thinking the party would be boring.”

The person standing with their back to him at the end of the large, lighted balcony, winced.

Shigeo just laughed softly. “What a happy coincidence that I found you! Don’t you agree, Marui? ”

“Shi … Shigeo-senpai …” The person now stammered in a delicate, feminine voice. Slowly she turned around.

Her rainy black hair weighed in the soft night air and almost became one with the surrounding darkness. Her eyes however radiated in a fresh, turquoise tone.

Her pale hand went slowly upwards to the circular, oversized glasses which the girl at once adjusted.

“What…” The surprise in the voice vanished a bit and made room for a more accusing tone. “What are you doing here?”

Shigeo took a step forward, causing the girl to take one backwards. “My family and I were invited.” He replied. “I came to that conclusion myself already!” She hissed. “Do you think I’m stupid?!”

In a feigned way Shigeo laid his hand on his chest and exclaimed. “Oh, please no! Who would I be? To accuse the daughter of Marui Zenji of stupidity?! ”

The girl’s expression in front of him darkened. On the other side, Shigeo’s smirk grew a little wider.

“Shut up!” Barked the girl. “No, I mean, what are you doing here? On this balcony?

"Well…”, Shigeo announced and made a sweeping gesture. “I saw a lovely, young girl making her way to the balcony.” His yellow eyes lit up. “I could not miss the opportunity … tell me, where is your friend?”

For a moment surprise crossed her face. “My…?” But then she seemed to understand. “Oh, you mean Yasu!” She crossed her arms and looked challengingly at him. “I do not know how that’s any of your concern, Senpai.”

For a moment silence prevailed between them before Shigeo confidently spoke up again. “Nothing against him, but he can be a real nuisance here and there.” He came closer to the girl. “I’m always happy to talk to you without one of your many bodyguards getting involved and disturbing us. And he is one of the most fanatical.”

“How ironic.” Mocked the girl with a cool expression. “To hear such a thing coming from the greatest nuisance in my life. Oh…and one more thing, Shigeo-senpai.” Her eyes pierced through his. “I can take care of myself.”

With that announcement she adjusted her glasses and straightened her back, ready to go. “Have a nice evening!”

But before she could take step, she froze as she heard a dark chuckle escaping him. “You really are something else Marui.” “Hah?” Another chuckle, before he finally explained. “So many people that quiver before me, yet here she is: a young lady in the 1.50 m range who has absolutely no problem whatsoever to snarl and bite at me.” He crossed his arms and looked at her almost a little impressed. “You certainly can take care of yourself and I don’t understand how only such a few amount of people seem to realize that. Although I also don’t understand why you’re so hostile towards me. It was all so different when we first met.”

She gritted her teeth. “Because I did not know at that time what a horrible person you truly are!” Once again she made an attempt to leave by straightening her dress and adding a. “If you would excuse me.”

But once again Shigeo interfered. “Oh come on.” He said in a husky voice, his smirk growing once again. “We’re rarely so undisturbed, Chieko.”

And for the time being he had disarmed the fierce, young lady with the sudden use of her first name.

Chieko’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped slightly. A bright shade of red spread on her face. And she simply stared at Shigeo speechless and taken a back.

“Ah, now we’re getting somewhere.” Shigeo smiled. He took another step closer and leaned down a bit to the truly very small girl. To not do all the work alone he gently got a hold of her chin and made her look directly at him.

“May I finally submit my offer?”

“I…I can not remember letting you speak to me by my first name…” Chieko stuttered perplexed, face turning more and more into crimson.

“Oh well, I think I should really apologize for this disrespect.” He said in a mesmerizing way. “What a pity. You have a really nice name. Blessed with wisdom, that suits you. ”

“Shigeo-senpai, my parents are inside that house!” Whispered Chieko warningly. But Shigeo was not deterred. “So are mine. But let’s just forget that for a moment.” He let go of her chin and backed a little away. “Marui, everyone knows how intelligent you are, we do not have to talk about that. But just think about how much you could achieve with your knowledge, if only you were on the right side. ”

“The right side?” Chieko repeated with a frown. “You see yourself as the 'right side’?”

“Maybe not the 'good side’, but the profitable side. And Marui, you would be quite the fortune on that side… So, what do you say…”

Despite the still very apparent blush on Chieko’s face, green fire’s started to burn in her eyes and before Shigeo could even finish his sentence, she already griped. “No!” To strengthen her point, she stomped on the ground and clenched her fists. “I can decide on my own which side is the right one and yours is far from it!”

In a huff, she quickly swirled around and snarled. “I wish you a lovely remaining evening, Shigeo-Senpai!” And so she stomped off, as quickly as possible and with a face still as red as a cherry.

Shigeo watched her in mild amusement. He was far from giving up. For a few more moments he enjoyed the cool night air before returning into the house as well.