Holding Hands

A few sentences about holding hands. Cy x Wrexen

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“Come on Wrexen, you’re being over dramatic about this.” Cy chided him, jokingly bumping into him.

He responded with a huff. “I am not, I just think holding hands would give on lookers far too much information about myself. Is that what you want? For people to see a potential weakness in my character? Please. I would never damage my reputation in such a way.”

“Sooooo, why are you still holding my hand?” She asked him playfully.

He rolled his eyes. “You are holding my hand, I am simply allowing it. This is quite different than if we were holding hands.”

“Uh huh, so if I just-“ Cynthia began to loosen her grip, though didn’t get far as Wrexen’s hand tightened around hers. Cynthia snickered, though he refused to meet her amused gaze.