Whiskered Away

1 year, 11 months ago
1 year, 11 months ago
9 8191

Entry 8
Published 1 year, 11 months ago

Mild Sexual Content Mild Violence

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Deceased Cats

THORNBLAZE Date obtained: 16.12.2021 Age obtained: 64 moons coloured by selkirks on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: black classic longhair
Genotype: ll, Bb, Xo-, Dd, AA, mcmc, CC, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): Boudicca (gathering)
Kits: Briston, Bixley

Date of death: 23.04.2022
Age at death: 76 moons
Cause of death: dragged underwater and killed by a pike during a hunting patrol
Lifespan in the clan: 14 moons
Chapters: #002 - #015

First cat to join the clan and the first one to die. Brought the orphan kibbits and protected them from Northstar. Mediator for peace. Kept Northstar from being too aggressive because she was scared of his strength. It work for as long as the clan was small. Mentor of Shark, the clan's first apprentice.

Avid storyteller. Named all of his kits and the two kibbit orphans after places he claimed to have visited. He claimed to have travelled all around the world, but never left the clan since he joined it so noone really knows how much truth there was in his stories. Either way, all the kits (and some adults) liked listening to them.

EKKO Date obtained: 08.04.2022 Age obtained: 5 moons coloured by kazin on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: cinnamon point shorthair with blue eyes
Genotype: LL, blbl, Xo-, DD, aa, --, cscs, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 13.05.2022
Age at death: 9 moons
Cause of death: swooped and carried off by a hawk
Lifespan in the clan: 5 moons
Chapters: #014 - #018

Found on patrol by Jinx, Nightfall and Seashell. Taken care of in the nursery by Owl. Named by Jinx.
Trout in Bubbling Creek (Troutcreek) Date obtained: 09.04.2022 Age obtained: 34 moons coloured by frankie (dup) on lines by Grey_Hoodie


Phenotype: black broken mackerel shorthair with low white and amber eyes
Genotype: LL, XoXo, BB, Dd, Aa, McMc, Spsp, CC, Wsw

Family: - (mother) - (father)
Mate(s): Oeste (stud)
Kits: Fishkit, Fogkit, Woodkit

Date of death: 27.05.2022
Age at death: 40 moons
Cause of death: fell into a lake while teaching Fogpaw during a hunting patrol
Lifespan in the clan: 7 moons
Chapters: #014 - #020

calm - shy - curious - anxious - good swimmer
A good mom who found courage thanks to the help of Swoop of a Snow Owl. She was supposed to have a new start in Whiskered Away, but at least found a good home for her kits.
SONGBIRD Date obtained: 25.02.2022 Age obtained: 24 moons coloured by HI55 on lines by HI55


Phenotype: black silver classic shorthair with yellow eyes
Genotype: LL, Bb, XoY, Dd, Aa, mcmc, Ii, Ccs, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): Antonia (stud)
Kits: Wildfire, Morningash, Spacesoot

Date of death: 08.06.2022
Age at death: 38 moons
Cause of death: died in a forest fire started that he started, destroying his and Bacup's camp
Lifespan in the clan: 15 moons
Chapters: #008 - #022

Flashy, charismatic, popular. Bacup's best friend and mentor. Together with Bacup and Sweetbee created the Camp of Melodies (proper name pending), naming it his own clan and himself it's leader. It was retaliation for Northstar and some other cats mistreating kittypets and installing rules in the clan that he disagreed with. Protected it from Rainstorm and his gang's attack on North's order. After Gentleman won the popularity contest and overtook the clan, he went mad, considering everyone a traitor, only leaving Bacup by his side. Ended up burning down the clan and 5 cats inside it, including himself. His body was never found and the way he started a fire unknown. Perhaps he's still alive, but hiding somewhere.
Trained Bacup for 6 moons instead of the minimal 4, telling him that he's doing it to let him stay a child for longer, but confined in Shark that in reality he was afraid Bacup would leave him and become a leader himself because he has much more potential than Song.
Didn't claim responsibility for his kits, saying they're orphans, but did name them things related to fire.

CROWBERRY Date obtained: 14.04.2022 Age obtained: 134 moons coloured by eagle on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: black shorthair with blue eyes
Genotype: LL, B-, Xo-, D-, aa, --, C-, ww, Ojoj

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 08.06.2022
Age at death: 141 moons
Cause of death: died in a forest fire started by Songbird
Lifespan in the clan: 8 moons
Chapters: #015 - #022

An elder found during patrol. Northstar didn't want useless old cats in her clan, but she was taken into Songbird and Bacup's camp. She was very compassionate and helped them with their emotional problems always providing a shoulder to cry on or some helpful advice.

SEASHELL Date obtained: 18.02.2022 Age obtained: 49 moons coloured by deimos on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: seal point mediumhair with blue eyes
Genotype: Ll, B-, Xo-, D-, aa, --, cscs, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 08.06.2022
Age at death: 60 moons
Cause of death: died in a forest fire started by Songbird
Lifespan in the clan: 12 moons
Chapters: #011 - #022

Joined the clan along with Rainstorm. Suffered a great tragedy in her old clan, a flooding that killed her mate and kits. Never became ready to start another family. Had a crush on Nightfall because he was super caring towards her, but when she told him her feelings, he was already mates with Stargazer. Loved being a mentor to the more shy and calm apprentices, feeling a bit like their adopted mother.

RUNNINGTALON Date obtained: 20.05.2022 Age obtained: 49 moons coloured by katrione on lines by kaebedo


Phenotype: longhaired ginger spotted oriental tabby with green eyes
Genotype: ll, B-, XO-, D-, A-, Mc-, Sp-, C-, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 08.06.2022
Age at death: 67 moons
Cause of death: died in a forest fire started by Songbird
Lifespan in the clan: 3 moons
Chapters: #020 - #022

A brave cat tired of living as a rogue. He was at the wrong place at a wrong time.

BROOKRIPPLE Date obtained: 03.06.2022 Age obtained: 43 moons coloured by eagle on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: ginger ticked shorthair
Genotype: LL, XO-, --, D-, --, --, Tata, C-, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 08.06.2022
Age at death: 43 moons
Cause of death: died in a forest fire started by Songbird
Lifespan in the clan: 1 moon
Chapters: #022 - #022

A sneaky, morally grey cat. Likes to spend most of his days sleeping and the rest eating. Not the greatest fighter. Left his old clan due to conflicts with his ex-mate.

JINX Date obtained: 04.02.2022 Age obtained: 25 moons coloured by selkirks on lines by deimos


Phenotype: shorthaired black bicolor with green-yellow eyes
Genotype: LL / Xo- / B- / D- / aa / C- / WsWs

Family: Zoe (older sister)
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 21.06.2022
Age at death: 44 moons
Cause of death: killed by Aristaeus after attacking Northstar
Lifespan in the clan: 20 moons
Chapters: #005-024

Ran away from home because she hated being a kittypet. Started a new life in Whiskered Away, but always felt undervalued. She wasn't picked for a head knight or a mentor despite being more experienced than some younger cats. She blamed her sister for treating her like a child and Northstar for being prejudiced against her because of her past. Wallowing in misery led her to go mad. She run away from the clan just to come back stronger and ready to get revenge. She fought Northstar and pushed her into a freezing river that swallowed her, but North emerged back up and gave Aristaeus an order to kill Jinx.

GENTLEMAN Date obtained: 18.02.2022 Age obtained: 49 moons coloured by røsebud on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: longhaired black ticked tabby with folded ears and dull yellow eyes
Genotype: ll / B- / D- / A- / Tata / Fdfd
Genotype v.2: ll, Bb, DD, Aa, McMc, Ccs, Tata, Fdfd, ww

Family: -
Mate(s): Lady Fortune (ex), Shark (ex)
Kits: Cards, Paw, Tealeaf, Dice

Date of death: 10.07.2022
Age at death: 69 moons
Cause of death: killed by Aristaeus after trying to summon a demon
Lifespan in the clan: 21 moons
Chapters: #007-#027

Gentleman prioritizes having fun above all and he's favourite kind of entertainment is through the expanse of others. He abused the clan's Sylph and messed with the heads of cats he met at gatherings. He's a liar and a manipulator, which he used to it's full extent during his rivalry with Sonbird and later on when mentoring his kit. Has slowly gone mad after Song burned down his camp.
Gentleman had a short fling with a fortune-teller because opposites attract, but the attraction didn't last long. His brief relationship with Shark was a similar failure.

SNOWPEA (previously Snowpea) Date obtained: 13.06.2022 Age obtained: 32 moons coloured by Ariento on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: solid white mediumhair with earth-green eyes
Genotype: Ll, XoXo, BB, DD, aa, McMc, CC, WdWs
Extras: Pregnant

Family: -
Mate(s): -
Kits: Zoom (adopted; BilberryClan), Vie (adopted), Puff, Polly

Date of death: 29.07.2022
Age at death: 43 moons
Cause of death: disease from a dog bite during patrol
Lifespan in the clan: 7 moons
Chapters: #023-#029

Nonbinary. A proud and loving mom. Likes to hang out with humans. Because of her beauty they're often nice to her and give her pets and treats. She prefers this way of obtaining food to hunting, therefore her mentoring ways can be pretty unconventional. Likes to switch up between living with humans and cats.

FOGHORN (FOGKIT) Date obtained: 09.04.2022 Age obtained: 1 moon coloured by jazz. on lines by Grey_Hoodie


Phenotype: black ticked shorthair with high white and leaf-green eyes
Genotype: LL, ReRe, XoXo, Bbl, Dd, Aa, McMc, Spsp, Tata, Ccs, WsWs, Jbjb

Family: Troutcreek & Oeste (parents), Fishkit & Woodkit (siblings)
Mate(s): -
Kits: -

Date of death: 30.07.2022
Age at death: 17 moons
Cause of death: killed by Rainstorm
Lifespan in the clan: 17 moons
Chapters: #014-#030

Nonbinary. Mommy's girl. Very afraid of leaving the camp after seeing her mother die. Indecisive, lonely, misses having someone to protect her. Became even more gloomy after losing her mentor, but Snowpea and her siblings eventually convinced her to continue her training.
Killed by Rainstorm while trying to protect Hazelnut and let him escape with stolen supplies. Hazel stayed to fight off Rain with her, but they were too weak for him.

MOUSETRAP Date obtained: 08.04.2022 Age obtained: 41 moons coloured by jazz. on lines by grey_hoodie


Phenotype: black mackerel shorthair with low white and yellow eyes
Genotype: LL, B-, B-, Xo-, D-, A-, Mc-, C-, Wsw

Family: -
Mate(s): Kaeya (stud)
Kits: Genshinkit, Impactkit

Date of death: 19.08.2022
Age at death: 59 moons
Cause of death: accidentally poisoned by Fishsticks
Lifespan in the clan: 18 moons
Chapters: #014-#032

Has two modes: hunt and sleep.
Blunt, will say all the wrong things, but doesn't care about it.
Can't wait to retire and do nothing instead of training those pesky pages.