Walk in the Woods - Mysterious Figure - Liet

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
5 6816

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

The showdown for Liet and her Creator, Ikkit. It was probably a mistake to listen to the call of the Forest Realm but it's time to end the feud she has harbored all these years. It's time to find peace once more.

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Chapter I : The Sunlit Forest

witwbanner.png?1643515007The beginning was forest and the ending is unknown. Somewhere in the mist driven by the early morning chill and the warming of the sun's first rays a tiny creature of that resembling a possum patted softly with a fen violet bobbing in the up and down motions of her feet. Her eyes ever watching as she felt the soft crunch of the dwindling snow melt. It wasn't all unfamiliar to her as her life once begin in the forest. She had longed, for some time to return, and yet now her soul wished to return to the tarn in which she had made her home now.

The young creature, though appearing as if a possum dawning a fen violet newsie cap, was indeed a nature spirit. A rather old one but still appearing as if child at heart, but a child that was confused as to why she had been called here. The esk, called Liet by many, was confused as she stilled her pace a sense of comfort coming to her for a mere moment to calm her racing mind. She knew of the forests and their ever changing ways brought on by winter and its harsh nature. But what she truly loved of the forests was the gentleness and renewal that always shown itself once the first warming rays of the sun began to once more fight back against the harsh snows and frost that glittered the landscapes.

Where she stood she felt the sprouts just beneath the surface of the thawing soil. The snow melt was a blessing for these little sprouts that had slumbered long and deep during the wintry months. Liet felt her soul soar with joy as she knew the forest would come back to life stronger than the year before. It was a part of life and a part of it she was proud to be. 

She turned her head quickly as several meadow larks danced upon the gentle breeze, though cool still from the last of Winter's embrace. The larks' bright yellow breasts seem to blaze with life as the sun's rays continued to climb above the towering oaks, ash and pines. Their songs warmed Liet's heart as she found herself watching their dance.

The glittering branches of the trees far above her head told her the last of Winter's grasp was falling away. The ice and snow dripping, and falling, to the earth below was the clearest sign and all she truly needed. She picked up her pace once more as she bobbed along, crunching as her gentle foot falls caused the snow to quicken in their melting. She was determined to find out why the forest had called to her once more.

Liet wandered along the forest path as her body quivered slightly. She wasn't used to the closeness that the forest gave as she had given up the dense forest life for that of a wide open skies of the mountainous tarn in which she called home. She could only hope that the forest was not in danger. Liet quickened her pace some as just a few yards ahead of her something had caught her unblinking eyes. Ever the curious being she was driven forward as she wished to know the reason of being called from her once familiar realm to return to a realm she had transformed away from.

The glittering a fallen branch caught her attention as she stilled her pace once more. She watched from a distance, though she knew that nothing could hurt her unless she allowed, as a fox crawled from under the fallen branch. The fox's pelt blending within the backdrop as it was pure white except for that of the ebony patches around its eyes and the blackness of its nose. The vulpine stilled as it flickered its ears turning to spot Liet. The young forest spirit tilted her head as she watched in wonder as the vulpine scurried atop the fallen branch causing a mini avalanche of snow to cascade down upon the thawing soil below. The flick of a tail and down the other side the vulpine bounded. The young Esk stood in wonder for a few more moments before treading over to the den of the now hunting fox and found within the remains of moss that had survived the harsh wintry months with the warmth of the fox's body. She gave a soft chuckle as the forests never ceased to amaze her. 

Her attention once more turned to the distance. What had caught her attention still remained and was not a trick of the mind. She seemed to weigh her options: return to the familiarity of the tarn in which she dwelt or travel further into the forest once more. Liet shook herself as she held fond memories of her Blackwater Fen and advanced forward once more. She was determined, now more than ever, to find out why she had been summoned to the forests once more. Hoping, beyond hope, she quickened her pace. She needed to know why upon the first few days of the last of Winter's embrace she was once more treading within the forest. There was no turning back now. With the last crunch of snow beneath her feet she trailed along a deer path as she moved from the thawing trees and the tiny sprouts, just beneath the enriching soul, to her next part of this adventure.

category walk in the woods event. prompt chapter one. words 905. featuring1128

46 AP
Base Score: 18 AP (Writing: 905 words)
+15 AP (quest bonus)
+5 AP (forest biome event bonus)
+8 AP (Storyteller Bonus: 8 AP * 1)

25 GP
Base Score: 9 GP (Writing: 905 words)
+8 GP (quest bonus)
+2 GP (forest biome event bonus)
+6 GP (Storyteller Bonus: 6 GP * 1)