dream that brought them into existence

2 years, 6 months ago

Explicit Violence

TW kids being killed. i had a dream and thats where these characters came from. heres my recollection of the dream

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There was a group of kids. Two brothers, two sisters, I think. I was one of the brothers.

Well, my siblings went on a trip. We were all very young, and I don't think this took place around today. Guessing from the dream, maybe 20s, even, I think. And then later in the 50s.

So, alright, nothing wrong with going to camp for a few days. Just the kids? Alright, it's the 20s, whatever! The oldest was almost a teenager, they could handle this.

I did not go. I didn't want to camp and I think I was having asthma issues or anxiety or something like that. My siblings left and the next time we saw them they were in coffins.

So, here's what happeend to them.

My siblings were going for a week, I think. They had all their stuff packed and my parents drove them to a nice area. It was just beside a river. It was a very nice camping spot and they all had their own tents.

They went to sleep that night, happy.

The next day, I think they went out into the camping ground's town area or something like that and they picked up a new friend.

The friend was a teenager and he looked A LOT like John Lennon. When I met him later I was like, "You look like John Lennon!" And he wasn't John Lennon, of course, but, yeah. Anyway, I don't remember his name, I'm going to call him John.

John went back with my siblings. They had another four days where they were with John. They thought, if he slept in the tent of the oldest sibling, the oldest one could wake up in time and tell the others if John did anything bad.

John never even so much as brushed his finger on any of the kids. They trusted him.

They had an incredible last day with John. I think he took them fishing, then they came back and played games, then listened to music, then made some music, and by the time the sun fell, they were roasting marshmallows.

Everyone went to sleep, and John killed them all. John was never caught.

So, fast forward. I was maybe 10 then, and now I'm in my 40s. My entire life has been overshadowed by this one awful, terrible event, where all my siblings were murdered. I had survivors guilt, I missed them, I was traumatized from walking in on it when my parents and I went to pick them up at the end of the week.

It was the anniversary of their death. In an attempt to ease my pain, my parents wanted me to go back to their graves and just-- remember, forgive, talk with them. After visiting their graves, I wanted to go to the place they died over 30 years ago.

While I was there, I stood with my hands in my pockets and my eyes closed. I was dressed in a tan suit with a hat. I was silent, thinking about what they went through, when--


The sound of a man's voice made me look up. I said, "You look like John Lennon!"

John Lennon's doppelganger approached me and we started to talk.

We went out for drinks at a bar. John was dressed in a black suit and had a hat as well. He was in his late 40s. He looked very nice and very handsome.

The night went great, until we were sitting at a table and a friend of mine was there. I started to get suspicious of John.

I started telling my friend things about the murders of my siblings, and then John produced an old knife with dried blood. He told me straight up he'd done it and that he hadn't known I was their brother.

I asked what he'd done with them and he told me about how their last day was full of wonderful activities.

And looking at John, seeing him tell me this... I didn't feel scared, really. I felt at peace. I knew the killer. Finally. 

We got up and left together. There was some mini-game stuff that happened in the dream that I won't get into because it doesn't fit.

Afterward, John and I got to the campsite. We walked around it, both reminiscing. I, about my siblings. Him, about killing them.

We went to a tent together. He was treating me very nicely and I was a bit drunk from the bar.

We played some games together. We read a book with me laying against John's chest. We listened to music. We cuddled. John started kissing me and I was doing absolutely nothing to stop him. I even draped my arms around him.

It was very sweet. I almost liked it. If he hadn't killed my siblings, I would've been more for it. It was bugging me, though, but I was drunk. I was looking up at him when I saw him take the knife out.

He kept kissing me and started to tell me why he'd done it, his motive all those years ago. Then, he told me something like, "I wanted to get another on their 30th anniversary... Who better than their brother?"

And I just smiled and said, "Alright, John." I accepted it. I thought there was nothing more poetic than my miserable life finally ending and him being the one to take it, with the same knife he'd used all those years ago. John had a really unforgettable smile. He kissed me again and he killed me. I woke up feeling peaceful.