The Spring Equinox

2 years, 3 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
5 3609

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 3 months ago

March 2022 event

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Table of Contents and Prompts

Each chapter is set in a different location throughout Amaryllis, the land the Kluftroses call home. The prompts below were all written by the breed owner, FireBright. Each chapter will be my response to the prompt(s) I chose for the given location.


Prompt: Help a Civilian

A vibrant stream of colour streaks across your path as a gust picks up. However, you are only given a moment to stop in your tracks as, from the path of the runaway decorations, comes the panicked shout of a rather ruffled-looking civilian, their hands too full of flowers to be able to catch their face. "SOMEONE CATCH THOSE BANNERS!"


Prompt: Help a Civilian

As you're passing through the village, you come across a severely under-decorated shop. It sticks out like a sore-thumb amongst all the other colours in the village and the elderly-looking serval behind the market stand seems to notice this shamefully as well. Seeing you stare, their eyes land on you hopefully.
"Ah! You seem to be much more full of youth than I. I wanted to decorate my little stall with wildflowers like everyone else's but my old bones makes it difficult. Perhaps you could help me? I would pay you for your service of course."

Prompt: Enrich Your Culture

After seeing many other Amaryllians choosing to crush flower petals to form dyes, you decide to try to do the same. It seems strange at first and doesn't seem to be giving much success but after adding handfuls more petals to your pestle and mortar, carefully crushing them for what seems like hours, you finally manage to make a dye. Plus, you managed to make your favourite colour; not bad for a first try! You take the dye and begin to paint with it.


Prompt: Explore

You decide to head away from the town some ways North, heading up one of the rolling hills to try to reach the top. Along the way, the murky clouds that had been gathering in the sky finally break and you shelter from the spring shower, hiding away in a little cavern. When the rain settles down after the brief downpour, you peak out of your hiding spot to find a rainbow arching across the sky.

Prompt: Take a Breather

With achy hooves from all of the travelling from the festival thus far, you decide to take a while to relax under Angora's world-renowned hospitality. As if on impulse, you find your way weaving towards Pilces' infamous hot-springs and before you know it, the aching in your legs begin to ebb away, replaced by the warm water and cherry blossom petals that surrounds you.


Prompt: Solve a Mystery

Cerulea had always been known for its supernatural activity, so it was no surprised when the residents of Guildbury Village decided to blame the disappearance of many of their floral decorations on common myth. Though, you had your doubts from the start. Now walking down a gravel path, flanked by blossoming trees, you spot a scattered trail of petals and pieces of ribbon that don't seem to line up with the surrounding environment, leading into the bushes.



The Frigid Lands and Shadowspire


Primal Lands