Exploring this New way of Life

2 years, 13 days ago
2 years, 13 days ago
7 7104

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 13 days ago

Alistair had been used to listening to other people talk about themselves and their dilemmas in this new town. He's eager to lend them someone who can hear them out over a cup of tea - the little comfort he's able to provide them. Sometimes, he can hear precious memories the villagers hold dear, some of them, drives the villagers to tears...

They tell him thanks - something about having someone listen to them talk it out calms them down

... Odd. Alistair himself had never tried it out. Maybe he could try talking to someone about his own memories and emotions. Question is, who?

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A remembrance from the past

Alistair was not a stranger to staying up in the wee hours of the morning

Being in college for almost three years now, he had completely adjusted to staying up late in the night to finish his paper works, be able to function for the whole day with only three hours of sleep, balance his classes and role as the owner of a boarding house, and remain sleepless just to study for upcoming tests

While he had been told that it was a bit… well, totally unhealthy, no one could stop him once he had his mind set on something. And right now, his mind was set on finishing college, get that diploma and all the while remaining the peace between his boarders

After all, it has long been proven that even the most stubborn of character listens to him... He'd rather avoid conflict between the people he'd considered his friends

Tea was his best friend all throughout his endeavor. The one that aided him, that kept him going when he feels he is about to fall over when in the middle of his study. That warm, soothing beverage and the noirette across him

While Adeline did not have such heavy load on her shoulders, sleepless and late nights were a common thing for her

It wasn't surprising to see her tip-toeing around their halls, the shine of her ruby eyes meeting his in the barely lit room and her lips downturned at what was considered his 6th cup of tea. He's chasing the caffeine from it, he reasons to her one time, and was a much better substitute than him downing coffee. If possible, her lips had further downturned at that

Now, she stays up with him from time to time. When she had nothing else she can think of doing, she comes with him to the local library, her own brew of milk tea in a dark red thermos always ready for him. Adeline keeps on reminding him that even too much tea is bad for him and so, makes sure of his consumption. While he did protest, all he did was that. Alistair still follows her orders...

After all, Adeline warned him of what she would do if he neglects himself. Alistair would not risk it if the consequence of him drinking cups of tea than she had prescribed him is Adeline bringing in reinforcements - the teary eyes of Daphne, the curious eyes of Vincent, the judging look of Adrian, the hidden-behind-contempt-concern of Verdana... Alistair can handle the hassling of the noirette, he doesn't think he can bear all the guilt if the other boarders were brought into the mix

And the feline-like smile of Adeline at making him follow her orders were not a factor in it at all

The sound of paper being turned filled their private space. His hand moved forward towards the warm cup on his left only to find it empty

Alistair raised his eye to look at Adeline across him, who stopped mid-stretch she'd join him and was witnessing her daily afternoon catnap, probably wondering why the continuous flipping of pages had abruptly paused

"I ran out", was all he said to her

Adeline shrugged her shoulders, "That's your last cup"

The inevitable news wasn't that much of a shock to him. The last time, she had limited him to four cups… of course now, he was only allowed to three

That didn't stop him from worrying though

He had only gone through two literary reports and there were still five waiting for him. There was a high chance he might fall asleep going through them

His worry might have been more visible on his face than he originally thought when Adeline spoke again, "Something wrong?"

"I'm afraid I might fall asleep"

Her sole ruby gaze narrowed and Alistair knew he needed to mend his words quickly, "We had a talk about this, Alice"

"I know, Adeline. I'm just worried", he sighed dejectedly, shoulders hunching, "I really have to go through all of these tonight if  I want to finish on time"

The tense silence that ensued made him worried for a different reason altogether. While Adeline may seem aloof and uncaring, one wrong word would set her off. And when she's mad, it would be next to impossible to coax her again. Thankfully, Alistair had never been on the receiving end of it and he hopes to the high heavens that it would remain that way

As he was busy musing, he missed the way the girl perked up until she started to beckon him over

Ever compliant, Alistair stood up, the wooden chair making a soft screech at the movement and he hunched over the table scattered with their intermixed books - study ones for him, random ones that piqued her interest the others - and papers. It was hard to distinguish whose was whose anymore, that was always a given when they stay together

Adeline reached up over her seat as well, hands closing around his gray sweater to pull him down

Only, instead of her whispering something to him as he expected, the noirette crashed her lips against his. His initial reaction was the flushing of his face at the gesture. That soon gave away to shock as he felt something wet being pushed  to his lips

With an unintended gasp, his lips parted and whatever it was came tumbling down inside his mouth. Adeline pulled back and a satisfied smile on her lips, "No worries. If you still need some, I still have a couple more in my pocket"

Alistair mechanically sat back down to his chair, caramel candy coating his tongue with a sweet taste

"And this was the last memory you remembered?"

"... No?", he pauses, a light dusting of red covering his cheeks, "It was the most eventful. After we parted ways that evening, I holed myself up in my room... I didn't want to be disturbed. The thesis consisted 55% of my overall grade, you know?"

She chuckles, "I believe I understand the gravity of the situation. Though I do want to know... Adeline... is she your - "

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no. Not at all", he waves his hand defensively to which she raises her eyebrows

"Well...", she huffs, "Your reaction totally convinced me"

He groans, finally relenting to cover his face, "Is it important at all

"Of course", she answers smoothly, "Considering how casually she... slipped you that candy. Or are you really that unguarded?"

No answer escapes him, his face heated up further

"Because if that is the case, I cannot help but worry about you"

"She's just - ", he squeaked and tried not to take note of the amused look on the other's face, " - Just that playful, okay?! And with her easygoing aura... It's that easy to let down your guard!"

She flippantly raises both hands, "Okay, okay. No need to be all huffy... Adeline seems like a sweet girl. You said she's one of your boarders?"

"Yeah... she's one of those unsure of her future profession yet so she's randomly taking college credits for a couple years"

"Interesting", she hums, "It's a fun story. Maybe you can tell me of others then?"

"Oh, believe me... Adeline is just one of the numerous interesting friends of mine"