Exploring this New way of Life

2 years, 20 days ago
2 years, 20 days ago
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Chapter 7
Published 2 years, 20 days ago

Alistair had been used to listening to other people talk about themselves and their dilemmas in this new town. He's eager to lend them someone who can hear them out over a cup of tea - the little comfort he's able to provide them. Sometimes, he can hear precious memories the villagers hold dear, some of them, drives the villagers to tears...

They tell him thanks - something about having someone listen to them talk it out calms them down

... Odd. Alistair himself had never tried it out. Maybe he could try talking to someone about his own memories and emotions. Question is, who?

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And the pressure continues as he cracks

Something soft was in his hands

Antiseptic fills his nose

A steady hand was on his shoulders

Familiar voices called for him

His eyes slowly opened. A blur of colors were in front of him - red, blue, yellow, orange - before it all blended together

"Oh, hey, Alistair! Welcome back to the world of the living!"


"Ignore him. He'd been worried thus the jabs"


From afar, he could hear two more voices

"No one really saw what happened. Locke just told me he saw him keeled over. Rune was passing by"


"I see. So we also don't know how long he was out..."

Kor - oh... Oh! He was - 

"Alistair? Alistair, don't you dare - ! No, no!"


It was a lot more silent the next moment he woke up. The same sensations wrapped around him. Though this time, the sounds that accompanied his next waking was the familiar paper turning and the soft humming

His eyes opened and the wooden ceiling of the clinic met him for the second time that day

"Feeling well-rested?"

He huffed in laughter, "I might need another 12 more hours before I can tell"

There was no response to the joke so Alistair braced himself to look to the side. The dwarven doctor was comfortably sat with a book resting on her arm. Her eyes studied him and he felt vulnerable under her gaze with him underneath the white sheets

"Well, your complexion looks better at least"

Alistair nods in agreement. Not surprising, he does feel a lot better - the best he had felt in a while

"Lost the whole day, huh?"

She did not bother to sugarcoat it. "Sure did. It's the ungodly hours of the morning. Had to kick the others out hours ago"

He hummed, "They were just worried"

"Nothing to worry about if you were sleeping properly"

This time, his laugh was more self-deprecating, "If I could... I would"

"I know", Korinthia says instead... It was the only thing she could offer

"Just... we are both doing what we can"

Alistair mumbles, "Hope that's enough"