What we're here for

2 years, 2 months ago

Aleksei's tendecies for heroism tends to make his visits to the medical room quite frequent and Kori has lost his patience.

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Author's Notes

Rough thing just to get this idea out.

"Look, I'm sorry"

It was all Aleksei could think of saying, it's not like he wanted to get hurt after all and those people weren't going to save themselves from whatever that thing was.

"I know what you're thinking." Kori sighed while checking for other injuries on his brother's body. "And you know full well they were able to fight it off, that's why there were 3 guards there." He didn't mean to say that with a hint of anger in his voice but he couldn't help it.

"Yeah but it's always good to help, I'm sure they appreciated my support." Aleksei knew Kori was right, most of the time this happens he is but he always argues back.

"...Support?" Kori asked, with such contained anger that the sergal flinched a bit, he knew what was coming. "Are you out of your fucking mind!? You call rushing in support!? You're not supposed to be the frontline when there's already people in charge of security on the places we go!" The avali was shouting now, completely unaware of how loud he was.

"Tera looks away for FIVE seconds and you're putting yourself in danger!"

"I can't just let things like that slide!"

"So you choose to abandon reason, risk severe injuries and leave me and Tera worried?" Kori retorted.

That made Aleksei quiet, he wanted to be angry at Kori using that card but it's not like he was wrong, and that frustrated him even more but before he could say something he heard the door slide open, revealing a worried Tera.

"Hey honey." The protogen said as he walked closer and sat down next to him on the bed "Are you feeling better now? Your injuries weren't serious but that must've hurt a bit at least."

"Yeah I'm feeling better, thanks to Kori here" He said as he looked over to his brother; "I'm sorry to both of you, I shouldn't have done that and you're completely right Kori."

As soon as he said that he felt arms wrap around him, "I just don't want to lose you Aleksei, I don't want to see my little brother putting himself in danger." Stopping the hug he continued; "Sorry for yelling, I shouldn't have lost my cool there."

"He deserved it and you know it." Teased Tera, giving his boyfriend a hug too.

That made Aleksei roll his eyes, "Well If I'm going to get bullied I'm going to sleep. Goodnight guys, and thanks for everything honestly."

"Don't mention it, It's what we're here for after all" Kori answered with a smile and closed the doors, leaving his brother to rest.