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Soulsand sat on the cliffside with pale legs dangling over the edge. She appeared entirely unaffected by the tremendous height, her head buried in the book she was reading. Per usual, she wore her trademark scowl, giving her finger a little lick to assist her in turning the page. Quite frankly, she was on the verge of tossing the book over the edge, fed up with the protagonist’s sheer stupidity. It was like they wanted the monster to rip them to shreds..

A heavy shadow fell over her then. The massive eldritch creature opened its jaws wide, lips drawing back to reveal a long, twisted cyan tongue and jagged teeth. Its eyes glinted a deeply saturated cerulean color, flashing dangerously in the dying sunlight. A wry smile split its mouth apart as glistening fangs greeted Soulsand, a visage that was notably terrifying to most everyone else on the planet.

“You’re blocking my light,” Soulsand said irritably, hardly looking up at the abomination where it had its claws sunken into the rock so it could look at its mate.

A growl escaped the creature’s throat. A sharp, guttural sound that would rattle any soul to the bone. Those pupils narrowed to slits as the creature leaned even closer, so the other could feel its hot breath on her cheek.

The female swallowed thickly. She seemed a bit nervous now that Dox was making such a show of it. “Dox,” she finally looked up. “Now is not the damn time. Move so I can finish my chapter before the sun sets, okay?”

The facade of creepiness and scare tactics seemed to dissolve as Dox’s ears fell back. Her expression was notably wounded as she slowly began to back down the cliffside to wait for Soulsand at the bottom of the trail. A sad little sigh escaped her lips as she did so.

Soulsand looked at the dejected creature for a moment before letting out an exasperated sigh of her own. She knew what this was about. Soulsand set her book down and pointedly crossed her arms over her chest. “Dox.”

Two blue eyes shifted toward her, now curious. The other still didn’t speak, as if waiting for permission after making Soulsand nervous. Typically Dox was full of annoyances, but she seemed truly apologetic this time.

“Is this your idiotic way of asking to be hugged?”

Dox grinned, ears perking up once again. “Could be.”

“Oh for the love of- fine. Just get up here, you creep,” Soulsand grumbled, standing up with her arms outstretched toward the eldritch creature.

Dox let out a happy squeal and practically dove on Soulsand, picking her up in her arms and snuggling in close. Soulsand let out an irritated grunt, but her scowl was replaced with a tilted smile. She returned the embrace, albeit begrudgingly.

“You’re so annoying,” she told the creature, her voice full of affection.

“Love youuuuu,” Dox snickered along with her singsong tone, cuddling even closer.

Soulsand rolled her eyes, but smiled again as she nuzzled herself into Dox’s fluffy chest.