the paper towel incident (joke; disc rp)

2 years, 3 months ago

tupperbox roleplay lmaoo

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Author's Notes

for context, me and my friends have a discord server dedicated to our ocs, and one of the channels is dedicated to asking our ocs questions! sometimes it turns into a roleplay, such as the very tragic story below.
(in case you're wondering, the bot is Tupperbox, and it allows you to rp as a user-created character, and you can have multiple different characters at the same time!)

swear warning lol (a singular f word) and also warning for uncanny-ish expressions?? also theres paper towel tube violence

anyways, let the chaos begin.


Author's Notes

.....and that is the story of how toria lost her mind.
i hope this was entertaining, our humor may be a bit weird so sorry for that lol