Flower Pickin'

2 years, 3 months ago

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Plasma was bounding ahead, racing their little Torz while Clown’s lumbering hoofsteps followed behind in a gentle attempt to catch up.

It would almost have been a quiet day, late in the morning with few ‘lytes bustling so far out of town in the fields, if not for the bumbling duo making their presence heard from miles away. Clown obviously didn’t mind the relaxing walk being turned into a race, once again, and Plasma probably didn’t even realize the difference.

Lucerula’s flower fields were in full bloom, and naturally, Plasma had dove headfirst into the bushes as soon as it caught a whiff of them. Clown nearly fell over upon reaching the bloom and completely and utterly missed where Plasma disappeared to. His unblinking button eyes glanced around curiously for their friend.

After catching their breath, the Plushlyte inhaled a long breath and exhaled a quiet, “hmmmmmmm.” They opened their mouth just a little and a whistle escaped their lips, their own little tune.

Promptly, a yellow ‘lytes face popped out of the bushes and responded with a sweet series of chirps in response, a bit muffled through the absolute bouquet of flowers it was holding in its mouth.

Plasma crawled out, kicking away the plants they got their hooves stuck around, and moved the mess of plants from their mouth to wings. “What color are these?” they asked quickly, holding the flowers in Clown’s face.

They leaned back just a bit to get their eyes focused on them. “They’re a preeetty pink!” Clown extended a wing to brush stray twigs out of Plasma’s fur. “Kind of like the sk-hy,” Clown stuttered as he looked up.

Party, Plasma’s torz, floated from the brambles with a dandelion clutched in its little hand. Plasma’s ears twitched and they turned to face their pet and reached out to receive Party’s new flower. “What color’s this one? Fluffy.”

“Yellow like you-hoo!” Clown said, and as they stepped forward to look at it, their tail slithered around to admire the dandelion bustles beneath them. Clown noticed and chuckled. “‘Member Jester’s li’l flower? It’s kin’a like that color.”

“Mhm, mhm.” Plasma dropped the first flowers in the wings of Clown and was practically crawling on the floor sticking their nose on each flower now. “Smells real pretty! Go on, smell ‘em!”

Clown smiled and did as they were asked. “Sure are!”

“Help me look!”

“For anything pa-harticular?”

The Zaplyte shrugged dramatically, “I dunno, the best ones. If you need an extra nose let me know!” The irony of that seemed to have been lost on Plasma but Clown didn’t point it out.

Instead, he nodded. “Aye-aye! You’ll be th’first to know.” A gentle breeze rustled the bloom while the two got to work, occupying themselves with spring's little blessings getting completely sidetracked from their original planned outing, for an equally relaxing one.