Short Grem Stuff [Old and/or Unrefined]

6 years, 7 days ago
6 years, 7 days ago
1 559 2

Entry 1
Published 6 years, 7 days ago

Mild Violence

a small collection of blurbs about some grems~ some of these are a year or so old and the writing isn't super refined but here they are!!

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“FIERO.” The shout echoed in the studio as the last few bars of music played out. The pink grem was already looking down his chest heaving from the dance.
“Yes, director?” He mumbled as his owner walked towards him.
“You know the choreography don't you?” Marco asked scowling at Fiero who was still avoiding eye contact.
“Yes, director.” he responded, his voice just barley over a whisper

Marco quickly grabbed the front of the grem’s loose shirt causing a reflexive wince from Fiero.
“Then explain to me why you keep fucking it up? Val knows it. As dos Hei… so why is it that my Lead Dancer is the only one who can’t seem to do it?” he asked almost mockingly, daring the grem to try and make up a sufficient excuse.

Fiero clinched his jaw, he could feel the itch to make a rude comment bubbling up, but the pain from Marco’s last “lesson” still hadn’t faded. The memory of it still a sharp pain in his ribs  and side from every too deep breath.
“I have no reason Director.” he finally responded only daring to look up for a half second just in time for a vicious back hand  and shove to nearly throw him off balance
Percy and Hei looked between each other at the confrontation, glad at least Marco’s temper seemed to be spent on Fiero
“You two can go home.”  Marco said looking between the two
“Fiero, you get to stay here until you get it right.”


Jaeger's ears turned back as he stared up at the bulkier grem
"Well?" He snapped his tail twitching with irritation
"Are you gonna talk or keep standing there like the meat headed Idiot you fucking are?"

Strannik clenched his jaw trying to keep his own quickly bubbling temper in check.
"I don't owe you shit."

"Don't owe me-"
"YOU FUCKING DISLOCATED MY JAW." He roared wincing at the pain in his jaws and the sound of several things in the room shifting suddenly.

Strannik on the other hand didn't flinch still glaring down the other grem.
"You're bothered by that?" Strannik finally growled
"You flip your fucking car, and me punching you is what pisses you off?"

"Oh" jaeger laughed bitterly
"Is that what this is about? You having a damn temper tantrum 'cause of my racing again?
Strannik looked away his jaw still set.

"As if you have any place to be getting on my case over "dangerous shit"

"Don't" Strannik warned his voice dangerous.

"At least I don't have my balls in a vice,  by some cunt of a human " Jaeger finished with a snarl raising his voice to cut Strannik off.

Anything else that Jaeger would have said was cut off as Strannik body-checked the much smaller grem into the kitchen wall and caught him by his neck.

"Don't you dare try and turn this around Jaeger." Strannik hissed

"Or you'll what? Punch me again? Kill me?" Jaeger choked returning the other grems glare. There was a long silence before Strannik finally backed away and let him go.

"I have to go." Strannik mumbled avoiding  eye contact again as he headed for the door, only pausing for the briefest moment before walking out.
Jaeger stared at the door after he left, rubbing his now sore neck and breathing heavily.
