
5 years, 5 months ago

info on species.

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The purpose of this is to document the species in this universe.


The Gods have always been around, and are immortal. They cannot die unless something extreme happens, such as a prophecy of the death of one or apocalypse end world, but even then they might return. They rule over certain parts of the universe, which are called aspects. Some god's aspects overlap with each other, such as Skella and The Moon's domain of the moon. In this case, when there's clashing, the gods have to work it out between themselves. Their strength is based on the amount of worshipers they have, but they all are stronger than most, if not all, beings. Some gods are stronger than others due to their aspects even without worship. All gods have multiple forms, and some gods can consciously change forms at will. Others change under extreme emotionally duress.

Elevated Gods

Gods that were once mortal and have been elevated to god status via an often very traumatic and horrifying ritual. Once elevated, they have the same abilities as normal gods. If they are not happy about their god status they start to become corrupted and turn into fallen gods, which are gods who degenerate and eventually will become catatonic or malevolent. Their physical form will slowly turn into a goopy mess of darkness during their fall. They can be cured of this by having a blessing from a god with a similar aspect, and if they want to be cured.

Child of the Moon

Children of the Moon. They all have direct communication with the Moon and therefore are considered Oracles of the Moon. They all have power over water, telekinesis, cast glamours, and divine the future. All of them are basically albino in color, i.e. being all white save for their eyes which are blue. Their blood is blue instead of red like in most species. They're all also dfab, with a 50/50 split of nonbinary and female genders. They all have pointed ears of varying sizes. Some are very large, like Aura and Amethysts, and others, such as Rose, look almost human save for the point. They're all immortal.


Angels are the messengers of the gods. Each god can make them and destroy them at a whim. They tend to look somewhat similar to the god that made them. They all have feathered wings and the ability to manipulate the aspect(s) of their "parent" god. Their personalities vary as much as any other beings. The more powerful a god, the more angels they have/can make. They are all immortal and can only be destroyed by the god that made them.


Beings that come from an unknown place. There's multiple types of them, and don't really have anything in common except for all being nonbinary, pan, coming from the same place, being immortal, and having the ability to shapeshift.

Eater Type Demon

These types of demons feed off of a specific emotion. Some of the emotions some demons can feed on are very specific, such as Lolita eating the anger of csa victims, or very broad, such as feeding on anger in general. Each eater type demon can only feed on 1 type of emotion. There are generally multiple demons who feed on the same type. When they feed, they heighten the emotion they're feeding on, which can be good or bad depending on the specific emotion thats being fed upon. All eater types can be identified by their stained glass wings that are present in their true forms. Incubus, succubus, and concubus fall under this category.

Contract Type Demon

One of the more common in folklore, contract type demons make contracts for the souls of others. What they do with the souls is a mystery. They're all silver tongued and charming individuals. They can be identified by the horns they have in their true forms.

Teacher Type Demon

A small minority of demons are considered more benevolent and will teach about the natural world to those who wish to learn. It's theorized they're former angels, but no one knows for sure. They can be identified by their 3 eyes and tails that look like lion tails.


Beings that have been on Earth since around the beginning of time. They claim they came from the earth itself, but there's theories a sleeping fae god is a mother goddess for them, since the sea fae have a mother goddess they can trace themselves to. There's many types of faeries, but they all have several things in common. All fae cannot lie, are burned by iron, use glamours, and are immortal. Most fae have extreme emotions, either always being on high for their emotions or being apathetic to everything. Many faeries live in areas on earth that have a different time flow compared to the others, which people call Faerie. A minute in their lands could be hours in the mortal world. Many follow a different moral code that most beings, and can be very fickle.


Faeries that usually dfab and beautiful. They tend to attract most beings and are very charming without having to try. Subtypes for nymphs are sea nymphs, tree nymphs, and wind nymphs. Sea nymphs can be further subtyped as sirens, which have enchanting voices that can lured in almost all beings. The biggest difference for the subtypes of nymphs is appearance and their powers, which are based on what their subtype is. Ceto, for example, is a sea nymph and have blue-ish skin and hair that moves like it's underwater.


Faeries that are small and have insectoid wings. They can go from being 1 inch to being 4 feet maxium. They tend to be mischievous.


Most people don't realize it, but the dragons are of Faerie. They themselves have many subtypes. They're the only fae who can lie. All of them have 3 forms: big lizard like form that most people think of, a scaley/humanoid form, and a human form.


Witches are human in appearance, at least at first. They usually specialize in a specific field of magic, though most can learn other forms. They can live very long lives, and some are immortal, though that depends on their specialization. Ivy, who uses magic to create living dolls, is immortal due to her doll making specialization. Specializations are not chosen and are innate. 

Living Dolls

Created by the Dollmaker, a.k.a. Ivy Callahan. They're all immortal and can mostly pass for human, save their eyes, which are unmistakably inhuman. Each doll has their own special ability. 

Poison Eater

Not much is known about the species, but it is said they're very rare and were once stillborn children of poisoned mothers. They're immune to every kind of poison, but cannot eat ordinary food due to it tasting horrible to them. They eat poison to survive, and have extremely poisonous body fluids. Their skin tends to be cold to the touch and look like they're a corpse in color.


Contrary to popular belief, they are not completely dead. They still have a pulse, however it's extremely slow. The place they are bit turns into a tattoo that is shaped based on their special ability. Every vampire has an ability that's based on their personality, in addition to the supernatural strength, agility, beauty, etc that all of them have. They're immortal and difficult to kill.


One of the most common sentient species. They're all mortal and, compared to other beings, die easily. However, they have subtypes that have unique powers that the general population doesn't have.

Magic Users

One of the more populated subtypes. Any human can learn magic, though not all are good/cut out for it. Some magic users end up changing from human into something else via rituals. Humans that are adept at magic can learn almost any type, given they have someone to teach them.


In direct contact with the gods. They're more rare than people think.


Different from magic users due to their powers being innate. They can also be magic users. Telepathy is the most common power for psychics, but the most powerful psychics are born with every psychic power. However their powers are extremely taxing on their body and ,if they are not given guidance and potentially changed from human, will die before their 18th birthday.


Monsters that are one of a kind. They tend to be grouped together only because each one is its own thing. They all different wildly in looks and abilities.