Crossroads 2019 - Alkarnabi Event

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
3 1044

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

This writing is very old and kind of bad, be warned xD

I no longer own one of the characters featured so they will not be listed in the cast.

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A New Adventure

The mysterious letter flapped in the wind as a pair of shaky paws held it.

“What is it?” Seed asked.

“I’m not sure. Whatever it is, we should leave it alone. I have a bad feeling.” Replied Yeti, as she eyed the letter warily.

“But this could be something important! I’ve heard stories of something like this. We should check out this train station; maybe there’ll be others there that may have an idea about what’s happening?”

“But what if it’s dangerous, Seed? I will not be responsible for getting you hurt or worse. We should leave this to the stronger Alkarnabis.”

“I am strong, and I’m going. You can come if you want.” Seed stormed off without giving Yeti a chance to respond. Yeti hesitated, imagining what might happen to Seed. She shook herself,

No, I can’t let her go alone. I have to protect her! I made a promise...

“Wait up!” She yelled as she ran to catch up with Seed.

The pair arrived at the ominous station after trekking through some frightening woods. There were a few others there, standing around confused. Some chatted with each other, others sat alone.

“Now what?” Seed questioned.

“We wait, I guess? I don’t see a train yet.” Yeti said as she sat down on a nearby tree stump. Seed joined her, and they sat in silence for a while.

Seed broke the silence, “Are you scared?”

“Yes. Mostly worried, though. I still don’t think this is a good idea.”

“I’m sure we’ll be fine. Besides, there are a lot of other Alkarnabis here! Maybe we could all investigate this together?”


“This is unlike you, Yeti. You are usually excited about the thought of an adventure!”

“Usually. This time, I just get the sense this’ll be dangerous, and I’m worried about you.”

Seed turned away, realizing her efforts to change Yeti’s mind weren’t going to work. Yeti sighed, and they resumed their silence as they waited for whatever comes next.