Sky City 2019 - Alkarnabi Event

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
4 1004

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

This writing is old and may not make much sense because it follows story prompts from an event!

I no longer own one of the characters within the story and so they will not be listed in the cast.

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And So it Begins

Valor is laying on the cool snow, muttering about how uncomfortable it is. He wants to enjoy the fresh air; if only it wasn’t so nippy. His son Tyflos is with him. They lie in mostly silence, save for Valor’s complaining, for hours. Suddenly, a mysterious letter comes floating down from the sky. It lands right on the older Auru’s snout.

“What is this?” Valor snorts as he picks it up with his paw. Tyflos looks at his father. He can barely make out a white square in Valor’s paw.

“It’s probably not important, whatever it is.” Tyflos grunts as he lays his head down on the snow.

“Nonsense. If it came from above, it could be a sign from the divine.” says Valor as he opens it. Tyflos rolls his eyes and lets Valor have his fun.

After reading the letter, he stands up. The snow beneath him is melted almost to the grass underneath. He pulls Tyflos up to his paws as he says “Come, boy. This is not from the divine but it is important nonetheless. Our brethren could be in danger.”

“Brethren? What do you mean?”

“Ones like us. Mighty Aurusalkar. It seems there is another surge, like the one that brought me to this world, up in the Sky City.”

“But we can’t fly. Well, you can hover, but that won’t be enough to get up there. What help would we be?”

“That is for them to decide.”

“Them who?”

”Enough questions. Follow me”

And so their journey begins.