Sky City 2019 - Alkarnabi Event

2 years, 2 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
4 1004

Chapter 4
Published 2 years, 2 months ago

This writing is old and may not make much sense because it follows story prompts from an event!

I no longer own one of the characters within the story and so they will not be listed in the cast.

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The End…For Now

Valor and Tyflos are standing among the rest of the frustrated adventures.

“I can’t believe she got away!”

“The egg she stole- will it be the queen?!”

“We’re doomed...”

Confused speech echoed throughout the crowd. Everyone was shaken by the events. Some were especially angry; even erupting their magic in their frustration. Valor is boiling with rage at the escaped Aurubi.

“To think she escaped with a precious Aurusalkar egg with violent plans... How could we let this happen?” The gruff auru speaks in a low voice.

“It wasn’t your fault, dad. She escaped all of us. Maybe we can help that Wisp fellow track her down?” Tyflos tries to comfort his father.

“Perhaps. Wisp strikes me as the type who prefers to do things on his own. I would also rather track her alone. But, two aurus would stand a better chance. For now we most focus on the eggs that are left. I remember when I hatched. If not for Yeti, I may not have survived this strangely different world. I wish to repay that debt by helping one just as she did for me. That is, if we are lucky enough to be chosen.”

Valor and Tyflos wait with subtle excitement for Wisp to hand out the eggs. Will they be chosen as a caretaker? Valor can only hope. No matter who is chosen, he can see that this event wasn’t only tragedy; it is also rebirth and redemption for those who are brought through the eggs. May they fare well in their new surroundings, and their guardians treat them well.

Until next time, next surge, next strange phenomenon...