My Character Encyclopedia

3 months, 6 days ago
3 months, 6 days ago
4 1231

Entry 1
Published 3 months, 6 days ago

What are the meanings I give to my characters? This literature will perform a deep dive of each, and show my brainstorming and development behind my characters. I'll go here to write on my ideas for my characters!

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My original characters are my family, so I want to leave this behind if something might happen to me! I want to write out everything I think about them, everything I think when I build them! Every little detail- because each original character I write comes from a piece of myself. So if someday you're left wondering who exactly I was, I think you should just read this online compilation of words and thoughts. If you total them up, that is me.

My characters are not just my family, they are my friends, my lovers, my enemies. They are myself! Flawed and beautiful characters based off the complexities of a real human being. Or in some cases, multiple human beings. I stitch and craft each one with so much love; as I desire to give each a soul.

This is my love letter to them, to my children I dote on and love dearly. Things I couldn't fit in a character profile because I'm way too much of a perfectionist- in this collection I will simply write my thoughts as they come; so forgive me if part of it doesn't read as professional. 

I always had this belief that if someone could relate to part of my original characters, that means they could relate to part of me too; and in that essence I'm not alone.