Deu Headcanons

Grav Kytsune
2 years, 2 months ago

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Deu Headcanons

Deu grew an affection to cats from a young age. He oddly could relate to the mysterious and quiet animals. He never was to social as a child. He preferred attention on his own terms. Perhaps this is why he enjoys felines so much. Deu is incredibly open to owning a few cats. Sometime soon he does plan to adopt a furry friend.

Deu is talented when it comes to playing instruments. He prefers the saxophone and others similar to it. He finds them easier to control. Other demons find Deu’s music playing quite nice. Sometimes they will slide a compliment in their own odd way. This always fills Deu up with happiness. Maybe one day he will play for money.

Deu is evil, but misunderstood. He was wronged which caused him to walk down a dangerous path. He never asked for sympathy, though at some point he wanted help. He was just a kid when most of the bad things in his life happened to him. Finding out he was a demon and many others things, added up to what he is today. Deu doesn’t think of himself as a monster, but also not a good guy. He finds that he is more neutral.