Han Seongjin Headcanons

2 years, 1 month ago

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Han Seongjin Headcanons

Han Seongjin never has considered giving up his old smoking habit. He really just can’t bring himself to quit. Han is fully aware of what the consequences for his actions could end up being, but still he doesn’t mind. Multiple of his friends and even lovers have begged him to give it up. Some even tried enticing their good friend with dancing and dinner. Despite all of their efforts, Han still declines. They find all of their attempts humorous.

Han can play a few different types of instruments. The clarinet being one of them. He’s always had a talent for playing different musical items. It started when they were a young child. The first thing they played was a piano. As Han got older, he was able to do more and more instruments. Now he focuses primarily on the clarinet, but doesn’t mind to be a bit of a show off and play others.