Terms Of Service

2 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 1 month ago
1 255

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 1 month ago

Just some rules for adopts, this is the only way I knew how to do it pffff

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Adopt T.O.S


- Try not to quickly sell off whatever adopt you grab, if you can help it.

- I ask that you credit me whenever you first post the character to a site but is not required if you have a TH, but if not I only ask for credit upon the first post and then there after can be done optionally

- Do NOT sell an adopt for real currency if you get it from me via other means (art, trade, customs, etc.) If you do purchase it with money then I ask that you not sell it for more than its base price. However, if there is extra art or addons included then the price may of course be raised.

- Do NOT claim credit for the creation of the original design please.

- Changing them up is allowed! I just ask that they're at least recognizable from the original! You wouldn't adopt em if you wanted them to look nothing like the original lol

- While I have no block list at the moment, should there ever be people on that list, I do not want any of my designs in their hands. If I find out you've broken this rule you will also be added to said list.

- This one is the most important. Lemme know what you do with my designs if you have big plans for em :] I like knowing what happens to em if anything so dont be afraid to share! This is optional of course lol