beginning again.

2 years, 2 months ago

12/31/2018 - not canon anymore sadly, Eddy and Ophe only switch in the broken plains now

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if there was a single thing that edgar knew, it was that his duty was to protect the egg of his sibling, trapped in a long cycle, waiting for their time.

this, however, did not include knowing what to do when, while sitting outside kremer's temporary campground, the egg began to shake and cracking noises sounded within. 

so edgar did the most logical thing he could, which was completely panic.

as the egg moved, a new voice, distant but familiar, rang in his ears. it sang in a language only he knew. it called to him, trailing into hums. edgar was transfixed, staring down at the egg cracking in his hands. 

it didn't take long, not before the egg, in a puff of magical air, was completely gone, leaving him holding a live, writhing form in his arms. holding them close, edgar bit the inside of his cheek, tears bubbling up around his eyes.

surrounding his new kin was a magical green aura, and upon their skin was thousands of tiny, fluffy feathers. when their head tilted up towards his, he saw no purple eyes like his own, and instead a bright, familiar green, glowing, pulsing with energy like the humans made the into the gateway to unlock his dimension.