More than the stars

5 years, 5 months ago
5 years, 5 months ago
1 917

Chapter 1
Published 5 years, 5 months ago

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My Son

Aleidia sat in bed. Multiple blankets wrapped tightly around her. Tissues were scattered around and empty bottles of water covered her side table. Next to her bed was a crib. Inside it lay a small, newborn baby, the only noise he made was his soft snoring. He was wrapped in soft, pink blankets, on which his name had not yet been embroidered.

Aleidia leaned against the head of her bed, with her fever, she was too weak to move almost at all. She hadn't eaten much the past day, and all she truly cared about were her children, especially her newest. She slowly rolled over to the wooden crib, reaching her arm in, she weakly stroked the child's soft, white fur on his face.

"My dearest child," she whispered lovingly, "I believe I have found the perfect name for you, it is a precious name." She leaned back to cough, then painfully adjusted back and continued to admire her tiny baby. She smiled down and wearily chuckled as his rosey pink nose twitched at her finger brushing against it.

"I give you this name because I love you more than the number of all the stars in the sky, the length of the universe, and every single planet," she quietly announced to the child, "I shall name you-" Suddenly, Devon, her beloved husband came into the room. He rushed over to her and the baby, unsuccessfully trying to hide his terrible anxiety. He sweat and his heart had been beating fast all night, he didn't get a blink of sleep.

"My love," he muttered quietly, "please, get some rest, I worry you'll... that you'll recover slowly..." She leaned back and put her cold hands to her hot forehead. She sighed and smiled when she looked at Devon. She loved no man more than him, he was the world to her. The only thing she could ever love more was her children all 10, and now, 11 of them.

Devon looked into the crib, his heart leaped when he saw the baby. How sweet and small, smaller than usual, he was. He pressed his lips to the babys forehead, the child stirred, but he did not wake up completely. Devon couldn't help but smile, however it did not erase the worry and sadness. He went over to his sickly wife and took her hand in his.

"My darling," she softly exclaimed, her sickness blocking some of the excitement, "what a lovely thing he is, isn't he? So small, helpless, and innocent." He nodded and grabbed her hand tightly, sighing in adoration for both his son and his wife. Why did the eleventh child have to be different? He could've sworn it was like this for the fifth, sixth, or something, but no, it was worse than it could've ever been. She was strong, but everyone has a breaking point.

"I have a name for him, it is perfect," she said, "It is a symbol of my love for him, and may it also remind you of yourself, how I love him, you, all of us." She coughed and wheezed, her body felt light and fatigue washed over her. Colors were fading and so was Devons calmness, he grasped her hand as if it were her own life he was hanging onto.

"My love," she sighed, "I don't know how happier I could be. All of these precious children, my new baby, what wonders they will grow up to be." Devon gasped as her breathing ogt heavier, the fear overwhelmed him, he couldn't speak. She leaned towards him, relying on him for support.

"His name?" Devon stuttered out, asking quickly. She smiled, looked over at the baby, then back at her husband. She stuttered, struggling to get one word out. Every breath was painful, but she was prepared. Her life had been good, she couldn't have imagined it better, the only wish she had was to see them grown.

"Take care of him," she barely breathed. She gave Devon a weak kiss on the cheek and fell back. Looking at the baby, she sighed, before breathing her last, "I love you, Cosmo." Her eyes shut and her body stopped. The room was silent, the tears that ran down Devon's face froze. Everything stopped for a moment, letting Devon take it all in.

As he released Aleidias hand, all feeling in his body left him. He sank to his knees, every emotion filled him, all except for happiness. He buried his head into the maroon blankets and cried out, screaming in fear and frustration. Tears dripped everywhere and he choked on the sadness. He just kept sobbing his late wifes name. Aleidia, Aleidia, Aleidia.

Susanne, one of his children rushed in. She looked upon the scene, crying out when she saw her father. She dropped to his side, trying to comfort him for what she assumed happened, trying to see his face. He turned his head, stubborn, not wanting her to see him like this. She had seen, though, and she hasn't seen her father ever lower, it scared her.

"Susanne," he forcefully whispered, "take your brother, go somewhere, I need to be alone." She agreed quietly and went over to the baby. As she picked him up for the first time, she saw how little he was, very fragile. She held the small baby close to her chest, as if he were her own. Before she left, she asked her father a simple question.

"What is the little one's name?"
