MISSION 1 - Rebuild The Door

2 years, 2 months ago

mission completion for OvuronnRealms

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The white vampiric tetherbug observed the destruction Styx left in their wake and noticed that a number of fellow tetherbugs were attempting to clear up the splintered wood that now littered the entrance to the mercenary's guild. It sat down for a time, it's sickle shaped soul flicking back and forth like the tail of an irritated cat. The pentagram shaped pupils bouncing from tetherbug to tetherbug as well as the pieces of wood that seemed almost endless. Occasionally a tetherbug would shoot it a dirty glance, noticing how it just sat there and watched the other's work without offering any help of it's own.

Without even taking the time to speak to those it had been watching it stood up with a huff and turned away, crackling sounding as white flames burst from the top of it's head to form a shape resembling long bangs of hair covering it's eyes and flowing back atop its bright red horns, compete with a small white will-o-the-wisp flame that danced around atop it's head. There was no real reason for it to summon the hair, it seemed that this tetherbug liked to do that as some sort of dramatic exit.

Aishu, as it was named, made it's way down a winding path through a dense forest. The trees getting closer and closer to each other as it continued to walk. It had to duck and weave it's way around, over, and even under the thick roots that fought each other for space within the earth. On the occasion a leaf would burst into flames from passing through it's hair, but it seemed that they would never spread nor retain any sort of damage.

Finally after what felt like hours Aishu stood before a fallen tree and the flames atop it's head began to dance and shrink until they faded away completely. It tilted its head and walked around the large tree, looking closely at certain angles. Clearly looking for...something. Finding this something it turned around and with a thunderous crack it slammed it's tail down on the tree. The tree cracked with ease and the tetherbug turned around to examine the cracks, "Perfect." it muttered to itself before using it's red claws to start peeling away at the tree.

Due to the large cracks it didn't take very long for Aishu to dig out large chunks of lumber. The bark of the tree was a rather plain looking brown, but the wood on the inside was a light warm brown with multiple shades of light red swirled within. Using it's middle set of arms and tail it gripped as much wood as it possibly could.

Wordlessly Aishu made the long trek back, seeming to be completely unaffected by the physical labor. It approached a group of confused tetherbugs that had only just finished cleaning the area up and dropped the wood down. With a smirk the flaming hair appeared, startling those closest that could feel it's heat, and it walked away. Never uttering a single word to them.

"Uhh? Thank you? I guess?"