Photo Time

5 years, 5 months ago

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Duana’s ears perked up at a knock on the door, and she turned a grouchy stare to the dark-furred dragon in the doorframe. “What, Lucy,” she grumbled, trying not to sound as snappy as she felt. She didn’t think she had much success. Alucio’s gaze was flat and unimpressed. “You’ve gotten your dress tied wrong,” he rumbled in a deep monotone, his expression unchanging. She curled her lip at him with a soft growl. “I’m trying here, okay?” she snapped. “It’s not easy to tie this ribbon right when I can’t see it except in the mirror.” “I’ll help you,” Alucio said, walking over without waiting for an answer. She threw up her hands in frustration, but didn’t protest as he gently wrested the fabric from her fingers and smoothed it out before untying her messy knot. As he made quick work of tying it, he asked, “Don’t you have a scarf in this colour?” “What’s it to you. I’m not wearing a scarf on top of the collar and flowers.” Alucio snorted. “No, I’ll wear it so we match,” he grumbled. “You’re already wearing a white one.” “Then I’ll change it. Obviously.” Duana sneered at her twin. He sneered right back. Then she chuckled and relented, saying more lightly, “Of course I have one, I’m always prepared to fix any fashion disasters. And that, dear brother, that white scarf on a white suit? That’s exactly what I’m here for.” In a sweep of dark skirts, she practically floated across the dressing room, graceful as a swan. Her brother followed after her, fluid and silent in his motions, like a shadow. A shadow dressed in bright white. She patted his face mock-sympathetically before smiling sarcastically and snatching his white tie from around his stiff collar. “Ah, brighten up, Lucy,” she teased as she all but danced across the floor to a box a few feet away. She tucked the white tie into the box and began poking around in it, seeking that reddish tie that matched the ones about her waist and neck. “This picture thing won’t be so bad.” Alucio huffed. “It takes such a long time to develop… we’ll have to stand perfectly still out in the sun for far too long…” he complained. “You’re just exaggerating,” she replied, with a roll of her eyes she was sure he saw. “We’ll see if you still think that when we’re done,” he said dryly. “I would bet on it. I’m a very patient woman.” “Patient enough to wager your new box of chocolates from grandmother?” “Only if you’re confident enough to put your new black hat on the line.” “Deal.” After she fastened his tie and glanced him over to make sure all was in order, she extended an elbow to him, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she asked, “Shall we?” Alucio grunted very softly and rolled his eyes, a slight smile on his lips as he tucked his hand into the crook of her arm, and allowed her to lead him off. They walked through most of the house arm-in-arm, chatting lightly and teasing each other back and forth as they went, but as they neared the front door, each fell silent, and in this silence they switched arms to the proper positions. The photographer was very nervous about directing them about, very obviously afraid to order around the silent, intimidating pair. The third time he dropped part of the camera off, Duana snapped, “Get ahold of yourself.” She grumbled something under her breath as he jumped really hard and stammered out disjointed apologies as he resumed setting up the camera. Noticing that he wasn’t ready for a picture just yet, Alucio leaned slightly toward her and said out of the side of his mouth, smiling a smug smile, “Remember to smile nicely for the picture.” She narrowed her eyes at him, knowing full well that she had lost their little wager. She was going to miss those chocolates.